What do you use while you wait?


I'm currently trying to decide between a K&D Dakota defender and a High Noon Closing argument or TailGate IWB holster for my XD45c.

This will be my first "real" IWB holster. I currently have a HN Split Decision, but it's just not comfortable.

What do you all do while you wait for your holsters to be manufactured? With 14 to 20 weeks wait time, I'm sure y'all don't just not carry.

I ordered a Supertuck a while back, but I just couldn't make it work for me. I'm 5'10", 210lbs and carry at around 3:30 or 4:00.

Thanks for the advice!

I won't carry a gun that I don't have a comfortable and useable holster for.

But, I've got several guns to carry at this point with good holsters for each. It's okay for me to wait a couple months to get the right (errr... I mean left) holster.

Back when I only had my one first gun, I didn't carry it very much at all because the holster I had sucked. It took several tries to find a good one and I didn't carry all that time. Definitely no mexican carry going on then!
I recently ordered a Dakota Defender for my Glock 36. With the long wait time, it should be in around Thanksgiving. It will be my first real holster, so I don't have a great tuckable-IWB rig. To tide me over, I ordered high-noon Hidden Ally for my Taurus 651 revolver. As a stocked item, I had it about a week after ordering. Its fairly comfortable and I can tuck my shirt in with it, making it an option for most places I go.