What do you think about this trade?


New member
I have a Mossberg 590 that has the matter/parkerized-esque finish with the speed feed stock, heat shield and bead sight. Its been a reliable gun and I like the fact that the design was selected for service by the military. I considered qualifying with it and putting it in the cruiser with me at work (ended up going with patrol rifle instead) and never once thought about getting rid of it until I came across a video of this fellow pointing out a potentially fatal flaw in the design of the 500/590 which is how the elevator is held in place on the receiver. Watched the video and the guy exploited that weakness by tossing the shotgun onto the ground at shoulder height. One or both of pivot "pins" that hold the elevator in place popped inward into the receiver from the shock of the drop effectively jamming the elevator and rendering the gun utterly useless. Man in the video recreates this phenomena several times to demonstrate that it wasn't just a fluke and claims he can make it happen on his buddies 500/590's. He goes on to say something along the lines of "no idea how this design passed military trials" and I must admit I wonder the same thing. I understand that the military gives the contract to the manufacturer whose weapon does the best at the lowest price but you would think that this issue would have been addressed. Did some more research and found that its definitely a thing. After having watched that video I grabbed my 590 and looked at these pins and found that you can just about push them into the receiver using your the tip of your pinky. I now have concerns about relying on my 590.

Came across a Benelli Supernova Tactical in my LGS with the extended tube, ghost ring sights, and collapsible stock. I could have most of it paid off if I trade in my 590 for it. I have a Benelli M2 Field and I have abused and neglected it to the point that any other semi auto probably could not handle as well so I know Benelli makes good stuff. I cannot find many bad things being said about the Supernova that aren't opinions or related to how light it is. Seriously considering make this move. Any thoughts?
I never had a m2 but they're work horses from what I hear, If you like it I say go for it.

I have seen that same youtube video.. Im not sure what make of it.. Does appear to be a flaw.
However I have 2 Maverick 88's which are a cheaper version of the 500.. and I am not concerned about it.
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First, I don't believe much of what I see on You Tube - Are you going to throw your gun down on the ground in that same manner? Do you make it a habit of abusing your stuff? If not, don't sweat it.
"...came across a video of this fellow..." Don't believe the stuff you see in Internet videos. That guy is abusing the shotgun and any firearm's pins will come loose when it's abused like that.
"...parkerized-esque finish..." Parkerizing is just a brand name for a rust resistant finish. Lube-rite is another brand name. Most current firearms that have that kind of finish have a black phosphate finish that absorbs and holds oil. Same idea using different chemicals for the base. IE. Grey Parkerizing is zinc based. Black Parkerizing used manganese. Lube-rite is manganese phosphate.
I've had my 500 for thirty years or more and I have only had one problem with it. The plastic safety button broke. I made a metal one to replace it and have had no other problems. I don't actually throw my shotgun around so I don't really think its a problem.
Have you replicated the experiment done on the video?

Did your gun fail in the same way?

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Who here is in the habit of dropping their guns?
The only pump shotgun I've ever owned have been Mossbergs.
Other than replacing the safety with a metal one, never had a problem.
But then I don't drop guns.
Why would you?
Would you even consider going in harms way with anyone who dropped guns?
Although after watching the video it might not take much of a drop to jam one.
He did have to do it more than once to get it to jam.
But dropping guns can cause all kinds of nasty things.
Mud and dirt blocking barrels, losing sights, and losing the thing all together.
Best not to drop any in the first place.
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The one thing I learned in the Marines was that guns can get knocked around and especially in combat. If this is the video and the issue is there, it doesn't belong in combat or a patrol vehicle.

That is the video and this statement is exactly why it concerns me. Guns get banged around in high stress situations. Just watched a video of a LEO in a shootout toss his Remington 870 on asphalt when it ran dry and went to his pistol. Just because it shouldn't happen doesn't mean it won't.
Why not an 870 Police? I don't think you could get one to stop by chucking it. I'd like to see the video of the shootout with the cop and his 870.