What do you think about Seattle?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I may be off base here but Seattle's cancellation of its celebration is a victory for terrorists over America.

I see many Seattle public figures praising the
the action. But given the warning now, one
could flood the Space Needle area with police
and the National Guard.

Shouldn't the citizens of Seattle have the choice to say whether they want to take the risk?

These are the kind of folk that would deny one the means to self-defense.

Maybe I'm being reckless but you can't stop
flying, living or partying because of a vague threat.

I see all these "security gurus" getting their
3 minutes of fame, telling everyone to
bunker down.

As a person with an aversion to public hooplas and celebrations, I say "good riddance". As for response to terrorist threats...guess I'd ask how the Israelis dealwith it...they'd be the experts by now. Anyone?
One of the objectives a terrorist tries to achieve is to get the subject population to change their routine and lifestyle. The idea being that if you just give them what they want, they'll go away and the subject population can go back to what it considers normal activities.

So I guess you can say that they won in Seattle. It doesn't matter if they are actually Osama Bin Laden's people or agents of our own government, they have succeeded. And no one was hurt.

I think to a certain extent, the terrosrist threats are to blame; but I would also lay some of the blame on the violent thugs that looted the downtown streets of Seattle several weeks ago. I think Seattle LE officials are still a little shaken and demoralized from the WTO incident and aren't willing to be subjected to another round of inquiry, investigation and criticism in the event of a New Years Eve incident.
So, Seattle let the terrorists win...
Nice of the sheep to go ahead and line up.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Well, having been there during the WTO and listening to the one City Boardmember (councelmen?) I wonder if they aren't really trying to avoid other issues.

The Counselman stated to the effect that this frees up resources to be used for those Y2K failures that they are expecting - like stuck elevators and the like... DO they know something they haven't told anyone?

It's just me and my quizzical nature asking...
Maybe the "powers that be" in Seattle should have asked Sheriff Baca if he could spare any of those satellites that he has hovering over LA... It's so comforting to know that from the cradle to the grave, Big Brother will always be here to take of us.

ff ...save the 2nd. No fate but what we make.