I have to agree with Lt. Skrumpledonk Ret - two minds.
My first reaction was, they will raise taxes and fees to absurd levels to discourage what they cannot outlaw. They'll demonize guns like they did tobacco, and people will get brainwashed and go along.
But I'm reminded of my bother's response to me, when I expressed great anxiety in about 1996 in the wake of the 1994 AWB and hysteria.
He said (not an exact quote but as close as I recall), "Look, we both have more guns and better guns than we did twenty yeas ago. We have concealed carry licenses, which was impossible then. Take a deep breath!"
I've watched the gun grabbers since the early 1970s. The pendulum swings. Illinois (my home state, and a good place to be "from") was the last holdout on concealed carry - now at least theoretically possible in all 50 states. It may swing toward more restrictions - but I do not think the American people are wiling to give up the right and means of self defense.