What do you like better?


New member
Ok here's the topic. To keep it gun related what would you rather use. Gun or Bow for hunting deer? And if you're using a bow, what broadhead do you prefer, Fixed or expandable? For bullets, a hollow point or FMJ?
Handgun, revolver, .44magnum. A Thompson/center contender would be fun, too.

Real men chase down the deer and stab them to death with pen knives while singing camptown races at the top of their lungs, though :p
Well iprefer a bow but my recient disability has handiecaped me from that but if i was it would be a 100 grn titanium fixed broadhead
For my gun my .243 does the trick and i shoot a 100 grn Core-lokt for deer and a 55 grn ballistic silver tip for varments
I Love Both .

I am a archer that loves to hunt, To be successful at archery hunting practicing archery is a must. I only use fixed blade broadheads (thunderheads)
They wont ever let you down like an expandable one might. If you want to try a decent expandable broadhead try a jackhammer sst by Wasp. You can call or write any manufacturer of broadheads and ask them to send you a sample and most are more than willing. A few years back I did this and recieved at least a dozen differant brands. Of all them expandable type that jackhammer sst did the best on my test sessions. I love to hunt with both yet my true passion is giving em the blade it's a little moe intense and personal. As far as Bullets go I only shoot ( Bergers MEF) I reload and and Berger bullets manufactures the best in the world. The MEF stands for Maximum Expantion Factor. I shoot 110grain 25cal MEF moly. I have never had to track anything with em. I shot an pronghorn in wyoming and taped the kill. I reviewed the tape in slow motion sevaral times and you should see the cavity of that goats vitals, It literally expanded twice it's normal size on impact. I would stongly recomend one of the following bullets . NOSLER PARTITION, NOSLER BALLISICTIP, Nosler and Winchester consolidated for winchesters FAILSAFE round. It has a ballistic tip on it.You dont have to load yor own you can buy them in several calibers at most sporting goods stores, BERGERS MEF series. Sierra produces with the TROPHY BONDED BEARCLAW. Any one of these bullets would get er done.
Recurve! This weekend I'm going to try to take a deer with my recurve. I like fixed broadheads and they must be sharp. I like the old style two blade.
I totally agree with you t-65. I've been hunting the last 3 days of Archery here and I starting using a new expandable broadhead just to try it. They fly like crap, and I missed deer completely. (I've been bowhunting for 5 years now) I went back to my Thunderhead 125gr fixed heads and dammed if they don't fly straight and solid. So as far as I'm concerned they (expandables) suk. Going back again next week with my good old trusted fixed blades. FYI, I shoot carbon arrows with 125gr and I have a 70lb draw on a new Martin Magnum bow. As far as rifles, 2 years ago I bought a new Remmington 710 in a .270 (with the scope) and took it out for opening day of rifle. Bought a box of Remmington bullets, can't remember what exactly. but 2 hours into opening morning and I plastered a doe at 50 yds. She dropped right there, mean shot too, right in behind the left shoulder and out the other side. Turned her heart and lungs into Jell-O when I opened her up and shredded a rib on the way out. I know it wasn't a long shot or a shot worth bragging about, but was impressed on how effectively it did its job and how the doe dropped right there.
I prefer Bow hunting. It's a much nicer time to be in the woods. I use 100gr Thunderheads at the end of 2117 XX75 easton arrows.

My bullet preference for my Winny Model 70 30.06 is 150gr handloaded Noslers.

I'll be in my tree stand this evening!!
I'd rather "hunt" deer with a bow, to me it seems more of a challenge. Gun hunting is, and I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, more just shooting moving targets. As far as broadheads go, I got about 50 different designs from a variety of manufactures. They were 15 years of display models and samples sent to a friends archery shop. We shot them into cinder blocks at 20yds to see which would hold up to it. The results led to my choice. Muzzy amd Wasp Hammer. They were the only ones that did not shed blades or completely fail.
For me it's a tough choice - I love to hunt, no matter the game or the tool...

Just bought a Matthews Switchback last night, my cousin will set it up for me this upcoming week, just in time for opening day. I've only tried Muzzy Broadheads, and damn are they awesome. Figure if it aint broke, don't fix it...

Hastings Laser Accurate slugs are my new slugs of choice, can't wait to try them on a deer this year...

.30-06 and 7mm Rem Mag in 150 grain for rifles
I agree, there's something about the hunt you can't describe. I have muzzy's too but have never taken a deer with them. Like I said though after dealing with my ThunderHead's I'm sticking with what works and puts steak on my grill :D I think I'm going to stop experimenting