What do you guys think of the NRA?

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I like the NRA. I became a life member last yr or the yr before. Disabled vets can become life members for 300something bucks onetime fee. That was good enough for me figuring the amer rifleman magazine is monthly too. I signed the whole family up for the free yr too on the TFL link/thread. That being said my experience is only some yrs rather than many, many years(I'm not saying that is a good or bad thing - I just haven't 'seen' as much). long story short- in my opinion and my point in my life, I thought they were a cause worth joining
I am a lifetime member also.

They have taken flak because they are a one issue voter, and support the incumbent if their 2A record is good. This puts them supporting some people that are bad for our country, but it is a simple policy. They don't have to get into the politics, just go for the gun rights. That is what I like about the NRA. I don't have to support their pick, but I understand why they support the way they do. You can't fight for the 2A and worry about all of the politics, there just isn't enough time in the day. The NRA is strictly concerned with the Second Amendment, and they let someone else worry about politics.
Been following them for 35 years, watched a number of issues they have supported or withheld support from; I'm done sending them money.

If you are a NRA supporter, I respect that and it's fine by me.
In my opinion, the NRA attempts to appease, which is the most frustrating part of their organzation. As a whole, I support them because they are such a powerful lobby. To give an example of some of things I don't like, is the fact they supported a gay progun group sometime back out of Minnesota or somewhere near there. I feel that the NRA should stay out of issues like this, as I feel it was an attempt not to be labeled a "hate organization." I would like to see them stand more firm on morales, GOD, family, and country type stuff, and also not worry so much who they affend.
On the other hand, their education, 2A support, newsletters, and charity is not overlooked, and I stand with them on that. The good, vastly outways the bad.
I think in the guise of advocating for firearm rights the NRA is supporting polices that are destructive of the nation.
I am a life member. I do not agree with everything they do.

The bottom line for me is they support the defense of the Second Amendment.

I think most people realize the government does not regulate anything a little.

I think we realize that when we give a little, a lot is taken. Once gone it is very difficult to regain those things that are whittled away.

Without the Second Amendment, the First Amendment means very little. One only has to look south to see what happens to a free press that expresses opinions contrary to the flavor of the month dictator.

People mis-use the First Amendment as well as the Second Amendment a lot.

That is part of the price a free society pays.

I'm a member. I don't actually agree with a lot they do and typically find a lot of their methods distasteful. With that said, I agree with what they stand for they are certainly a good foil against the gun grabbers. With that, I'm a member and will continue to be one.
"..too soft and compromising"
If the NRA got its way in the last election pelosi would still be speaker. GOA is much closer to my way of thinking. NRA also way off base on cutting deal gutting First Amendment Rights - NRA Board Member Cleta Mitchell rightly called them out for such rank diregard for the Constitution. Without the First Amendment then all the others will fall as well.
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I'm a life member - and while the NRA is not without its faults, it does a lot more good than bad. I know it seems like a lifetime ago to some people but if you remember 1994 and the environment around guns then, some of the debates we have today about gun rights are just amazing.

The reason we are having many of these debates is the NRA. They spent a lot of time laying the groundwork that made all of this possible. At the same time, if it hadn't been for the efforts of individual members who got out there and worked and kept pushing even when the NRA was ready to quit or wait, the NRA would have accomplished a lot less. It is a symbiotic relationship.

If nothing else, the NRA serves as a nursery for up and coming gun rights people. It creates the environment where people can enjoy and use firearms safely and responsibly and it teaches them how to be politically active. For those two things alone, the NRA is invaluable. If there is another organization that does as much in actually creating and maintaining firing ranges and teaching gun safety (which lies at the core of RKBA), I'm not aware of them.
I have to be a member due to my range's rules, but I despise them for their inability to overcome their one party affiliation. Especially after the last election cycle and their "we can't endorse a Democrat, even if he's pro gun and if he loses we get Senate leader Charles "no guns" Shumer".
The topic is neither about civil rights nor about the law (or pending legislation, or current/past court cases).

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