What do you feed your Ruger P97?

I like the Glock 21 or Glock 30!
Today, you have a legal, full 10 round magazine. You have only 7, maybe 8 round magazines with RUGER.
Thanks, but I like the feel, decocker, and grip angle better on the Ruger. Besides, I got an almost new P97 for $236.00 @Auction Arms.
Wow!, you got a good deal. I had a P97 but I traded it in for my Glock 30. I loved my 97 and wish I still had it. For practice ammo I like the new Winchester 185 FMJ. It's a light full metal jacket and is actually really good for competition too. For defensive ammo I used CorBon 200+P JHP. This seemed to be most accurate in my 97. My 30 doesn't agree so it prefers GS 185+P JHP's.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
NRA lifer