What do you do with your hairy hide?

Every year same Ol' same Ol'. Salt, fold & bag that furry deer hide up in the Bone Castle's garage. Tote it 250 plus miles back to the 'Ole Homestead. Next day drop it off at a local gas station for a free pair of buckskin gloves that hardly ever fit. Maybe a few suggestions here would help.

So, what do you fellow's suggest? or what do you do with your hide/s?

Seasons Greetings and Thanks.
I usually do about the same thing, except I only drive about 10 miles to trade it for gloves.
Then I drop the gloves off at Goodwill on the way home.
Tanned hides are great for moccasins. Used to be a taxidermy shop in Austin that sold them for $5, back in the '60s. Wish I'd stocked up before prices first rose and then they quit selling them.
Most often I leave it for the coyotes to chew on. I'm having one tanned this year though, and gave one to a coworker.

I have a coworker who keeps threatening to make dog treats out of them. Last year I had a hide sit in my freezer most of a year before I tossed it. This year she took it in a timely manner but we'll see if she gets around to making the hide chews:rolleyes:
There is no one left in my area that will tan game hides, without charging an arm and a leg. (The last quote I got for a Doe Antelope hide was $425, and an elk hide was over $750. :rolleyes:)

So, for anything without antlers/horns, we throw them in the trash. :(
With antlers/horns.... easy drag/pack jobs will have the cape saved to be sold (frozen or salted and frozen). For tough pack jobs, we toss the hide while we're cutting up the carcass for the hike out. Ants and worms gotta eat, too... :rolleyes:
I've used this outfit quite a few times in the past. Coats vests even biker pants I had them make for me years ago. Very nice products they hand make out of your hides. My only suggestion. If sending in hide/s for tanning. Send in large animal hides if you can. As the charge for tanning a larger & small hide are the exactly the same price. But if a small hide is all you have. By all means send it in and have something made for yourself. One thing I have noticed. Their price Lists {hasn't} changed in probably 20 years. Still a good value for the ($) buck.

I bury it with the guts. I keep the head. There is a guy in town that has a black beetles that will clean all the meat off the bone in a few days and he only charges about $75.
Local fur buyer gives $7 or a pair of gloves(next summer). I take the $7. He told me he'd take all the deer hides I had. When I asked if he'd take them on the carcass, he got a little suspicious. I've seen 1/2 dozen roadkills within 5 miles.
On the other hand, doe tags are $7 minus $7 for the hide=meat is free. I process my own so freezer filling got cheaper. In fact, with a handful of free landowner tags, even the freezer bags are paid for.