What do you do now?????


New member
The U.S. gov't just outlawed all firearms, knifes and offensive weapons, what do you do now?????


A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
I'm not going into detail. But I will say this. The American Revolution was started by less than 20 pecent of the Colonists ( this is from an OLD memory) and there was never more than a 1/3 of the people directly envloved.
"Lend lease" some high capacity mags from Australia !

We've got LOTS ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"

I remember less than 10% being the number in the American Revolution.

Damn it, I'll say it. On the day that happens, the government needs to come looking for me for I will sure be looking for them.

Whatever happened to pledging our lives, liberty, and sacred honor?

Where are the heirs of Patrick Henry? "Is peace so sweet or life so dear as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? I know not how others may choose but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
I do not think I could say it better than Julia Cochrane did (check out her Dejanews archive, julia.cochrane@iint.com , great writing).
> These people asking that only the military and the police have guns
> have no idea what they are asking for. Once the people are
> disarmed they will show you what police/military power is
> all about. You think things like what is going on in Bosnia,
> Haiti and other places can't happen here? You better think
> again. Once the people are disarmed it's too late. You cannot
> go back.

I think many of them know what they're asking for---they want government
to make people different from them pipe down and conform, and they
particularly tend to want "redistribution" of wealth in a continuing
stream from the people who create a great deal of wealth (like, say,
Bill Gates) or who just create enough wealth to be very comfortable
instead of just scraping by (like, say, me and James) to themselves.

And of course the demagogues are content to push for it on the condition
that they get to be in the catbird seat administering it all.

I don't think they realize what they're likely to actually get, instead
of what they want, should they "succeed" in the political arena:

1) A bloody civil war followed by
2) Either defeat and disenfranchisement OR a pyrrhic victory followed
by a totally trashed economy.

Gun owners are more educated and more affluent, as a group, than non
gun owners. The same attraction to finely crafted precision machinery
and action and labwork (reloading) and mathematical analysis (ballistics)
that drives people to become shooting enthusiasts is what makes engineers
and other members of the technoscenti. We are the engine of their
"boom economy" and if they provoke us to war, even if they win, they
lose, because the economic train won't run for anybody without the engine.

Non serviam, you statist bastards.

On the other hand, if enough folks accede to the very reasonable
demand of we lovers of liberty to be let alone, particularly as
regards the rest of the Bill of Rights and our guns, in the interests
of avoiding a really nasty civil war we'll probably continue to let
them sponge off us a bit (though even that has limits!) without
doing much more than bitching and moaning about it.

I think they do know what they're asking for. I just don't think
they've realized what they stand to lose if they push it to a fight.
Right now they're on the gravy train, getting far more from what they
tell Uncle Sugar to steal from us than they pay in. If they force a
fight, that gravy train stops. Dead. One way or the other.

Personally, I do not expect much to happen. I may be a pessemist, but I have seen what even the inept Soviets got "accomplished", and I do not expect the US thugs to be any less efficient or ruthless. On the plus side, more people here still remember what freedom can be.

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting it...you might be a gun nut.
Your Job Sparticus, if you choose to accept it is to kill the Elitest S.O.B. that Kills me. (Notice Q I didn't say Liberial, See US "conservatives" can be nice)
Because I have sworn an Oath to uphold the Constitution, and I will do so with my life if nessessary.
Raymond, if it comes to that (and I pray and work to avert it) I'll be there. But your job is not to die for our freedoms but to make the other poor, dumb, son of a bitch who is trying to enslave us all die for his arrogance. To loosely paraphrase General George Patton.
...and Spectre makes three. Gentlemen, we have them outnumbered. I would say "poor SOB's", but I don't have pity for these bastards...
About all I can add to the above comments is........

First, I will tell my wife and kids how much I love them. Then fight as long as I have to, or until I can fight no longer.

There are two "lines in the sand" I've personally drawn:

* Attempts to use CCW application papers as "who to round up guns from" lists.

* Banning personal use of PGP or other 64bit+ heavy encryption. It means they've turdcanned the first amendment.

This is by no means exhaustive but it's a start. I also feel the historic implications of the Liberator pistol are worth noting for any owner of a small gun like a J-Frame snub, small semi-auto or even NAA minirevolver in .22Magnum...

Jim March (Rifle? I don't need no rifle...if I *DO* I know whose corpse to take one off of... :))