what do you all think of the bond texas defender .410?

If I'm going to lug a 20 oz. gun around, why limit myself to 2 shots when I can have a similar-size/weight gun (or lighter) with 7 shots or even more... and at a similar price or even cheaper?... Like, a Kahr CM9 (6+1, 16 oz.) for example... or a KelTec P-11 (10+1, 15 oz.). Consider that a Ruger LCP (6+1 in standard configuration) is SMALLER and weighs HALF AS MUCH(!).

These days, with so many "mouse-gun" choices, the 2-shot derringer is just a novelty gun IMHO. If you want one for fun, fine... But for actual SD, there are much better choices.
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I can not comment on the gun itself since I have never handled one. I will simply add: Have you checked the price of .410 ammo? :(
I don't have a derringer but I want one :D

Bond makes good guns and the trigger and hammer redesign they just did make them a little easier to shoot.
I have never owned or fired a derringer but they do feel like quality and they have a bit of class. Id consider buying one...
I had one. After shooting it with both 45 colt and .410 I felt there were way better options out there. It was very sturdy and the fit & finish were good, just too heavy for pocket carry and the trigger was horrible. I couldn't hit anything out past 10 ft.
I traded it for a S&W .357. That was about 2 yrs ago and I don't regret the trade and never even missed it.
Cute belt jewelry that will turn a rattlesnake right off at 15 ft or so . Other than that not much good for anything beyond paperweight or conversation piece .
My most recent new purchase was a Bond Century 2000. Lotsa fun. A novelty/niche piece for sure. I carry it on desert ATV rides and watch for the dreaded Great Basin Rattler. Haven't killed one yet; but I'm ready.

the pattern with the .410 000 buck is impressive provided you're within 15 feet. Four .36 cal lead balls per trigger pull ain't to be sneezed at. I carry #7.5 or 8 shot when in the desert. It's not a replacement for a J-Frame or small semi-auto 9mm, but if one's pointed at you, you should not disregard it.
I bought a used one cheap a few years ago, and it was the most unpleasant gun I've ever fired. The fit and finish were good, the gun seemed to be well made and strong, but the trigger required an unusual downward movement that I was never able to get used to. Also, the trigger guard rapped my middle finger unmercifully.

I did chrono a heavy 45 Colt load from the gun, and the velocity figures were very low; less than 600 fps IIRC. I finally sold the gun for more than I'd paid for it, so at least I wasn't out any money...
Not much. My dad had one. Shooting it once was enough for me. I guess if I was limited to just two shots this might be the gun...maybe not.
I have the snake charmer model bond, it does charm rattlers with the 410. Actually like it. Got a rattler 6' out my back door this summer he was 32".
I have the Snake Charmer and it was a just wanted one kind of a buy. Shot all types of 410 and my 45 Colt handloads, fun gun to plink with. When it comes to a carry gun NOPE I have other guns that fill that need. But the Bond Derringer is well made and looks good on my Western Gun Belt.
Nothing but the concept of having a .410/45colt in two shot's that hurt's to shoot.

I bought one (1991) in short notice of a move (MN to FL) out of state move for a last resort Hail Mary gun.
I had a Bond derringer in 9mm ... if you're buying it for SD, don't ... way too heavy to justify carrying with only two rounds, hard to cock, slow to reload, hard to be accurate at SD distances with it ... fun range toy, I finally traded it for something I wanted more ... I carry a Kahr PM9 or a Smith 637 -- both are lighter and carry way more rounds ...
Greetings, everybody. First post here.

Reason I signed up on The Firing Line has to do with my recent acquisition of a new Bond USA Defender in 45LC/410, and found this to be a place with quite a lot of info on these guns that was of interest to me.

In a prior post in this thread, someone mentioned how terrible the triggers on the Bond derringers are, very heavy, and so on.

Now that I have over 150 rounds through mine, I've learned the trigger, and truth be told, it can be basically impossible if trying to shoot with the finger at the top of the trigger, but if you let your finger slide down near the bottom and do the pull back and down thing the trigger pull isn't all that bad.

I have a trigger pull guage, and pulling back on the trigger in the middle of the trigger comes in around 6.5 lbs, but pulling near the bottom of the trigger comes in at a nice 3.25-3.5 lbs. Getting used to it is where most of the difficulty lies.

Love the gun!
Another thing, I know this is a very old thread, but I wanted to answer that "difficult trigger" thing.

It was difficult for a while, but no longer.

So, for those who may be considering getting one of these guns, it may help you to know that the trigger, at least in my opinion, is fine, once you learn how to use it.
It's still a novelty item with a very narrow "niche" market. I could never consider this as a serious weapon for SD or anything else.
I often drop mine in a front pocket when I go to answer the door. 4-pellet 000 buck at that short of a range is devastating; at least to paper since I've not shot a human.