What do they think?


New member
After hearing something the other day about us not having enough military close to defend our own borders, and taking a good long look at how easy it is to come over from Mexico and Canada. What would these anti-gun people say or do IF our country was ever invaded?Do they really beleive we can rely on just the military to defend us? Oh, but remember how everyone talked about the Afganistan Mujadeen(sp?) when they took up arms to defend their lands?,and the private citizens of the UK in WW2, who were supplied with guns and ammo,by the OSS (I forget what they were called) to defend their lands and create havoc against Germany? What happens after 3-4 generations of our children , are no longer familiar with firearms because they were banned long before they were born, are called up to defend this nation?
I may be wrong on this but I remember hearing that during Vietnam, it took weeks to train our own people to proficiently use an M-16. And these are people who , like you and I, grew up shooting and hunting!I apologize for ranting about this, but it just saddens me to see what is happening here. Wouldnt you feel safer knowing that your neighbors, like the MinuteMen of old, could rise up to defend OUR country if needed? To be honest, I shudder at the thought of it happening, because from what i can see, we will all be speaking Chinese or Russian or whatever language it is...If im able to do it, I know where i shall be, an you can bet it wont be cowering in the corner of some concentration camp!---Thanks for listening, you people are better than a shrink! :) Cuz
Yep, and we charge less. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872