What do i need for competiton


New member
what would you suggest or reccomend for someone wanting to start competiton shooting with a springfield 1911 mil-spec. what equipment should i get and what kind of competition should i do i have heard of IDPA but what else is out there just to keep my options open
IDPA approved holster, at least three magazines, eye and ear protection.

That will get you well along the way. Hold off on buying other stuff until you shoot a while and find out what you need.

Lots of practice ammo and tons of dry firing.

Google IDPA and down load their rule book. Look at the Qualifier Match and it will give you an ideal what to practice.
You can also shoot USPSA in the single stack division. You would need at least 4-8 round mags and a holster. Mag holders help, but aren't mandatory. Just a pain reaching in your pocket for reloading.
If you have a DAO or DA\SA gun, you could shoot production div. 9mm is best, but any caliber is ok. 9mm, .40, .45. This would be pistols like the average carry gun. {glock, S&W, sig, beretta etc.}

You can always go watch a match, talk to some of the guys and see whats, what.
First do a check on what is offered in your area.
IDPA.com, USPSA.org, will probably be the easiest matches to find.
No sense in gearing up for something and not being able to find a place that offers it.
Generally, the clubs listed at the above organizations will offer other kinds of matches, too.
Like some kind of steel challenge, maybe, or bowling pin games, home made action matches, 'etc.
But check with IDPA and USPSA, first.
A gun, magazines, ammunition, and a shot better than the rest of the people. :D

No seriously, I'd start with a a holster you're comfortable drawing from and that YOU CAN draw from. It can be the most expensive best looking holster made but if you can't get your gun out it might as well be in a safe.

Get your hands on some magazines that function well in your handgun. If you have a company you know works, start investing.

Parts to tune up your pistol in the event of a malfunction. Get yourself a little tackle box of parts so that even if you fall behind you won't fall out of the competition.

One other guy said it but get some snap-caps and practice your trigger squeeze and your shooting form, draw, the whole works. Don't want to look like a complete first timer up on the line do you?
For IDPA, how about the gun you carry everyday, in the hoster you carry it in? Some extra magazines, and you are set to start, no?

It's not like you are going to be contending for trophies right from the get go- start with what you have, go from there. If nothing else, you will get some practice with your EDC.
First do a check on what is offered in your area.
IDPA.com, USPSA.org, will probably be the easiest matches to find.
No sense in gearing up for something and not being able to find a place that offers it.
Generally, the clubs listed at the above organizations will offer other kinds of matches, too.
Like some kind of steel challenge, maybe, or bowling pin games, home made action matches, 'etc.
But check with IDPA and USPSA, first.

I agree with the above.
Also if you decide to shoot USPSA with your Springfield you can compete in the single stack or limited 10 division.

If you don't have all the gear, mag pouches and holster give me a call at (816) 284-0545, I have some good used gear forsale that may save you some money.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter