What do I do with all these bowling pins?

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New member
I just "inherited" 75 bowling pins from a bowling alley that went out of business. I was thinking of having a "fun shoot" and some friendly competition at the range.

Any suggestions or URL's that I can look at to come up with some stages of fire or possible matches? Also, I managed to obtain seven 8 foot folding tables that have worn out tops. I love it when a plan comes together.
Standard shoot at my club is 5 pins at 10 yds
The harder version is 2 high, 3 low: T_ _ _ T
You could use a Cinder block on either end of the table to get the pins up a bit & if you umm... miss(grin), the block won't cause too much of a richochet.
Different shoot is a team of 2 people shooting at 10 pins set at 15yds.
Times are calculated from the whistle blow to when the last pin hits the FLOOR.

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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Well we used to LOVE to blast pins at 200-350 yards and TRY to zap them at 400 + with high powereed rifles. (they are JUST a bit bigger than a standing prarie dog) You can aslo paint them and use them for "known range indicators" over a dog town you want to blast, or field full of crow/woodchucks etc whatever varmint control you prefer. At 100 we'd knock them over with 22 target pistols.

Pins are pretty resiliant to gunfire all in all. (Unless you use a 50 bmg.. that can split a pin in two).

Be sure your backstop can handle your loads and doesn't provide a ricocheting surface.

have Fun

Tell me: What's the best approach to a bowlling alley owner to get your hands on some for not much moula? Or how much is a fair price for used ones?
I was getting ready to ask the same question. so i will. where can i get some pins ?

If i cant get pins where can i get some prarie dogs?

TIM : )
well see my MOM, brother and dad all bowl.. I usually ask them..they talk to the manager or the guy at the pro shop if they are going to be getting rid of worn out pins... we take pins out to a suitably unihabited area and let the fun begin.

Here is one you might not have thought of, drill a hole through the top of one of the pins so that you can hang it by a rope. After you hit the pin the fist time, the pin is moving and harder to hit. It makes for a good drill for shooting at moving targets.
From what I've "heard" on the net, bowling alleys GIVE them away(ask nicely ;)) as the're heavy & they'd have to lug them to the dumpster anyway.

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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