What did your CHP cost?


New member
Feeling blue about current events today, I finally stopped at the sheriff's dept. to get the skinny on getting a concealed handgun permit. The cost?

Ninety dollars. ZOINKS!

And that's not including the fee for the approved training course: $65 (actually, not bad, from what I hear).

This is in Buncombe County, North Carolina.
I'm wondering what some of you had to lay out in your locales (permit and class, if any).

-boing, the penniless
The going rate in TN, including the Bond used to be about $200 a year or so.

Nowadays It is much cheaper ( I honestly don;t remember) and last four years.
The mandatory classes run between $50-$100 depending on where you take it.

Sounds like you are getting a decent deal compared to some states.
In Georgia, the fee to the probate court was 34.00 and the fingerprinting fee at the sheriff's dept was 17.00. I think these fees can vary by county. Total cost for a five year license was fifty one dollars.
In Tn the initial cost is $100. $50 for a four year permit and $50 for background check and processing. Renewal is $50.

I got my first permit under the old system before the state law was passed. In those days the initial fee was $300, Renwed every year at $100 plus you had a required bond for about $100 per year. You had to requalify wth our weapon every year and after all that, your permit was only good in your county of residence. Boy, was I glad when the state law was passed!
I have a better chance of being elected Senator than I do of getting a CCW in Calif :(

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
i live in tn. the permit cost me $115 and the class cost me $100. the permit is good for four years . they did not require a bond, but i do have insurance.
$ 140 To Texas Dept of Public Safety (DPS)
5 Form TR100 (handgun proficiency)
5 - 10 fingerprints
5 - 20 photographs (2, exacting specs)
0 - 5 notary fees
75 - 150 Required class (10 hr min.)
$ 230 - $330 Range, $250 probably average.

DPS background check is the same check required to become a Texas State Trooper. It's pretty comprehensive!
Oh, yes. This is good for four years.
(When CHLs were first issued, some were 2-yr, some were 4-yr. Done to stagger renewals)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 02-13-99).]
Dennis, you forgot to mention that the DPS fee for us "old farts" is $70.00. Probably because we are better shots and have better judgement!?!?! :-)
Guess I don't feel so bad, now, strapped though I may be. I do feel sorry for some of you folks, especially DC. I'd vote for you, but, move to California? Not until after The Big One hits.

In Minnesota, if you're "lucky" enough to be able to show *proof* (as in: bullet holes or an affidavit from your stalker), you can take the ccw course for $110 and another $45 for the test. The actual processing fee for the permit is $10.

There is a bill in committee right now that would at least allow us to have the option of concealed carry. The wording in it is that the permit will be $50 or less...... if it passes.

Virginia charges $50 for five years, and an approved (NRA, police, military or other recognized organization) gun safety class is required, costs vary from free to $100+. Permits are issued by the Clerk of the Circut Court in the county of residence. Circut Court Clerk in Fairfax Co. 'likes' (can't officially require) evidence of proficiency. My class (combined NRA basic handgun safety and shooting) cost $50. When CCW first came to VA, individual counties could charge what they like. Good old liberal FAirfax was nicking 'em $200, enough people complained, so the folks in Richmond set it at $50 statewide. VCDL (VA Citizen's Defense League) has been very active in promoting & protecting our gun rights, God bless 'em. M2
Indiana, with one of the oldest concealed carry laws in the US ( 1934 ) is a must issue state.

The permit cost is $20.00 for four years. There is an additonal charge of $10.00 for prints.

New Hampshire is $20.00 for four years.

Arizona, with mandated training was $150.00, and Flordia, first license was about $150.00. GLV
Vermont charges $0 for the right to carry, does not require training and doesn't make you carry a card.

The downside was that certain Municipalities have ordinances against carrying a concealed weapon loaded, and there is no mechanism for getting a permit.
California revised its CCW process this year. Standard CCW's are good for two years. The initial application and issuance is $113. $90 goes to the state department of justice and the $23 is what our sheriff charges for his costs of fingerprinting and processing the paperwork. The initial applicant must provide proof of completing a 16 hour course which includes law, safety, and actual firing proficiency.
The renewal is $45. $42 goes to the state and the sheriff only charges $3 to renew. The applicant for renewal must show proof of completing a 4 hour refresher course. The sheriff here intends to offer a refresher course which will include law, safety, and a trip to the range. He will probably charge $22 for that, to cover the range fee and the costs of the overtime for the deputies who conduct the course.
Agencies can charge no more than $25 to cover their administrative costs.
One hidden benefit of the new law is each agency head must publish his/her policy for issuing CCW permits. I am sure a person who feels he/she was unfairly denied a permit could demand a list of current CCW holders to see if the process is indeed being applied fairly. Up until this year, an agency head could be secretive and vague about the issuance criteria. Which of course led to politicians, judges, celebrities, political hacks receiving preferential treatment.

Bruce Stanton
Dennis and Doc:

I thought the TX CHL was 140 (me) for out state and 70 for in state now?

My total was 275. 125 for class. 10 for a new set of prints, my first were smudged.
I never handled the money - I just "instructed" - but my understanding is $140 for a four year CHL except (as Doc pointed out) $70 for applicants 60 y/o & older.

Same fee for TX residents as "foreigners".

BTW, TX residents usually are cleared within 60 days. Non-residents' background checks may take up to six months - apparently TX checks home-state records

Thanks for keeping me straight! Jump in with additions or corrections as soon as possible to keep me from "screwing up" the works!
In California, Monterey County had a flat-rate policy of $1500 per permit, payable to the Sheriff's reelection campaign fund.

Sacramento seems to be a bit pricier. A municipal court JUDGE asked the Sheriff's dept. about a permit, five minutes later got a call from the Sheriff's campaign manager and was hit up for $20,000.

Don't believe me? Follow this link to a thread I just put in over on Politics. There's four 100k graphic scans of a 1994 PD report proving this sort of thing happens, and AB2022 was NOT set up to deal with this mess, not in the form in which it was signed!

The only thing AB2022 does is set max fees and training durations. PD Chiefs and Sheriffs can still issue to whoever they want to with little oversite and no checks for corruption, which is still rampant.

Cool, no?

It loaded pretty fast even with my 28.8 link; there's a text intro that pops up right away while the pages are loading, it came out less annoying that I thought it would.

<a href="http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=22516">wormhole to politics thread proving corruption</a>

Jim March

[This message has been edited by Jim March (edited February 14, 1999).]
In WY the fee is $50.00 valid for two years. Fingerprinting varies from county to county and averages $25.00. There is no mandated class, but proof of safe firearms handling is required. This could be a hunter safety card, classification card from one of the shooting disciplines, etc.