What did that idiot Joyclen Elders mean when she said


Remember Joyclen Elders, the Clinton Attorney General back in the early 90s?

I remember her once saying in that herky jerky psuedointellectual tone of hers, "We need to make safer guuuuns, and safer bulleeeets." :confused:

I know she was a classic loon. :rolleyes: But what exactly was she refering to with "safer bullets." The whole idea of a bullet and by their very nature, is that they are NOT safe. They aren't supposed to be.

Does anybody remember the context (if any) she was saying this in.

Obviously the "safer guns" refers to that stupid "child safety" lock craze the Clinton administration went through.
Just a note for accuracy, Dr. Joycelyn Elders was not AG, she was BJ's first Surgeon General. Not only did she state that “The way to combat crime is with safer bullets and safer guns.”, but she also recommended that masturbation be taught to children in public schools.
Safer Guns and Safer Buuuuullets?

From a liberal's mouth, that means guns and ammo out of the hands of common citizens and only in the hands of trusted governmental employees.

Doug, you are correct regarding the essential nature of bullets.
Just a note for accuracy, Dr. Joycelyn Elders was not AG, she was BJ's first Surgeon General. Not only did she state that “The way to combat crime is with safer bullets and safer guns.”, but she also recommended that masturbation be taught to children in public schools

:p Duh. I mean't to say Surgeon General. I don't know why it came out Attorney General. :D
She's your garden variety liberal. The only difeerence between her and others is that the rest of them do a better job at hiding what they are and what they want, John McCain included.

Liberals suffer from a fundamental misunderstanding about human nature. Take the masterbation issue. Really, who has to be taught ? It is the perfect example of how they, the smartest people on Earth, must take care of us, the great unwashed masses of selfish idiots.

Safer guns and safer bullets, safer for who?
The whole "teaching masturbation" thing was blown way out of proportion. What she actually recommended was that discussion of it be included in sex education classes. It's not like she was advocating training classes of some sort.

That debacle spawned a really funny song, Firing The Surgeon General.

Why yes, that is yet another euphemism we can use for that most personal of activities :D

it's going to be something like that, the safer gun and bullets, except it's going to say "please stop or i will see to it that you will likely be indicted at some point in the distant future."
now we just need to teach all the crooks to read and we can set a course for utopia.
IIRC, that was when the so called "smart gun" mentality was first gaining ground. It was just a way to get the "people" to latch onto a concept that may one day be good and affordable but right now is foolhardy and unproven.

As for the masterbation (hey, you all know that us males would commit on this), it was a thing that just came naturally. And surprisingly, I don't have to shave my palms :D but I do have to wear glasses :o .


Pamick brought up an interesting subject:

1. Is it pass/fail?
2. Should tutoring be encouraged?
3. Should there be different teaching standards depending upon the pupil?
4. What about teaching in mulitple languages?
5. Should there be federal standards?
6. Does this fall under the no-child left behind project?
7. Does it take into account cultural, religious and ambidertrous preferences?

and finally .. . . . . . . . . . ta da . . . . . . .

8. Is there homework?
Dr. Joycelyn Elders, was head of the Arkansas Department of Health.

Clinton began his Political career as Arkansas AG, then ran for and elected Gov. of the Land of Opportunity.

Mrs. Clinton was part of the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock.

Many friends of the Clintons, (inside the Democratic 'loop' if you will) followed the Clinton's very early in his political career, to AG, to Gov, then followed him to the White House.

Back in the day [tm] folks met at Bard's Restaurant in the Heights for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Clinton would drive his now vintage Mustang and sit with the / his Democratic buddies. Folks like Pryor, Hubbell, Tucker ( later Lt. Gov) Elders, Bumpers, JUdge Hale....etc.

Me, I sat on the other side of the room , often with Republicans or Libertarians. With Rockefeller,White,and a number of Judges.

Mrs Sherman and her husband whom owned Bards, kept neutral, in public anyway. Funny though - "our" orders were ready first, and our coffee was from the fresh pot just made.

"Sorry Mr. Tucker, Mr. Clinton, Judge Hale...we "just ran out of" <name fresh home cooked veggie , or homemade pie here> ".

While we folks on "our" side of the room were enjoying our meal.

Elders fit right in with the - "tell 'em what it takes to get the vote - do what you want once you get it" Clinton "buds".

I do not miss Clinton, Elders, Hale, Tucker.

When Mr. Sherman died it was a true loss to Bards. Pat, his wife kept it open and running. When Bards finally closed - the Heights , the State of AR truly lost a piece of History and America lost one one its true settings of Political Discussions and great food.

I know nothing about the packs of condoms found in the bowl with after dinner mints up at the register at Bards...*ahem*

[Sherman laughed so hard when Elders went up to pay...I can play really dumb and stupid when I have to] ;)

There is more to responsible firearm ownership than guns

So I vote, send letters, email, teach new shooters, and piss off politicans by leaving condoms where they are not supposed to be.