What decisions does the POTUS have to make?


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I was wondering why a commoner citizen would make a poor presidential choice.
I know he has the power of veto but what other "POWER" does he have? I was taught in civics class that the potus has less power than other US political sections. So why do we need a "professional politician" to represent us?
I know well educated is a must. But other than that... Help me out folks...
He is the Commander and Chief of US Armed Forces, can, at times, send troop to conflicts without approval of the house or senate, and can pass nasty executive orders like declaring Martial Law. That a lot of power for the average joe.

You want someone with some smarts and experience to be president but hey look at Bush and Obama.
If MacArthur wanted to nuke China, he'd have to ask the president for permission. Truman said no. Then MacArthur didn't salute. Then Truman fired his hero a**. Truman's awesome.

To nuke, or not to nuke, that is a power of the President.
OOPS:o I guess the MOST IMPORTANT job of the potus is Commander of the forces... I take that for granted and for that am ashamed. In my OP I mean the gobs of crap personal agenda items they cram down our collective throats as if they are leading a monarchy.
Let us not forget the Justice Department and all taxing and regulatory agencies.

There is an movie, from 1987, basically an anti-nuke movie, called "Amazing Grace and Chuck". One scene I remember clearly, the POTUS calls up a industialist/business man who was involved with a nasty plot. He gave him a list of demands and then he came out with the stick.

"Either do what I tell you or I will order every federal law enforcement and regulatory agency to open investigations on you' Or something to that effect. (The POTUS was played by Gregory Peck, that is why I remember it, he was a heck of an actor)

That would be the EPA, FBI, DEA, FDA, FAA... Granted most of those agencies would not be able to come up with anything on the common man (how many people have an airplane and deal with the FAA) but that is a lot of power.
presidential appointments

are a major action of a president. Look at the incompetent fools we had running around under Bush to see the results. Since the appointed get to make the rank and file decisions on how things get done, those appointments are more significant to every day Americans than many of the other things a president does.

Supreme court appointments are important. But the court's decisions set direction they do not implement policy as say the heads of Homeland Security, The Department of Justice and the remaining heads of departments.
But the court's decisions set direction they do not implement policy as say the heads of Homeland Security, The Department of Justice and the remaining heads of departments.

That's a grossly naive underestimation of the power of the courts. ;)