What current Presidential hopefuls think of guns.


New member

I found this link to what all the candidates think of gun control. Obama is out of his mind, no CCW for normal citizens. I also heard of a news story where Montana is thinking of voiding their contract with the government for state hood. They are upset over Fed's trying to take away the peoples 2nd Amendment right. I know I wanted to move to Montana, just need to do it faster than I was thinking.
Could be worse.

This is a class war. When you are an elected official, and you know how you are stealing from the people you govern, it's called taxes for nothing, you don't want them being able to vote with firearms, or a revolution.

The rich want rights that they think the middle class and poor
don't deserve, constitution or no constitution..
Whatever else, I think we really, really want Obama or Billary, as the case may be, to lose. And I'm afraid that the only way to arrange that will be for McCain to win. He may not be ideal, but he will certainly be more accessible and receptive to conservative influences than Obama/Billary.
He may not be ideal, but he will certainly be more accessible and receptive to conservative influences than Obama/Billary.

I agree. At this point, all we're really doing is voting for the lesser of two evils. We definitely don't want Obama or Hillary. I'd rather have a monkey in charge than either of those two.
I am voting for Obama. I hate his 2A stance but I think he's best for our country's poor, for our status in the world, and for getting us out of Iraq.

So I just hold my nose and send another $25 to the NRA.
I am voting for Obama. I hate his 2A stance but I think he's best for our country's poor, for our status in the world, and for getting us out of Iraq.

If its true that he'll support a national ban against CCW, don't you think that may be a truer measure to his intentions rather than his stance on Iraq?

Sorry if this is blunt, but if you're not fighting in Iraq, don't have family fighting in Iraq or have never fought in Iraq, you only make yourself look like a liberal pansy for saying we should leave. If you're not in one of the above scenarios, the war very simply, has little effect on your day to day life.

A no ccw ban from the president WILL HAVE great effect on the safety of your day to day life.
I've often wondered why folks think that liberal, rich politicians are best for the country's poor. Those politicians make mascots of the poor and dispossessed to further their political ambitions. And thus the Osamas and Clintons of the world make their own money. And while they might give money to the poor, the poor continue to be poor. What have the liberals actually done to break the cycle of poverty suffered by our poor communities?
I will have to go with McCain this time around, both Hillary and Obama would like to ban all semi-autos Afterall the second amendment is just about hunting right:rolleyes: As far as the war goes if you think gas prices are high now if we pull out of Iraq without stabalizing it in some way I think that they will get much worse, my personal opinion. Agree or disagree with McCain's stance on the war at least he has children in the military and does not seem to be sending only the poor to fight.
No way I can vote for a President that wants to take away the right of decent Americans to carry concealed weapons to protect themselves and their family.

No matter what he says,that one fact that he supports tells me just what he thinks about the rights of the common American.

I don't think Hillary ever went that far but she's pretty close I guess as well.

I'm going to vote for the little white haired guy that everybody hates in Washington even his own party,John McCain.

I think he will not keep the troops in Iraq indefinitely-he understands what it means to suffer through a war.

And I think there is alot of things McCain has wanted to do that he has'nt talked about publicly that will help the country out of it's current mess.

Anyway,I really wanted to like someone from the Democratic side but I'm done with watching people tell me to accept losing my rights is the only way I can get protection.

McCain looks like the least of all evils-so by default,I will vote for him.

And I WILL vote.
I am voting for Obama. I hate his 2A stance but I think he's best for our country's poor, for our status in the world, and for getting us out of Iraq.

So I just hold my nose and send another $25 to the NRA.

God spare me from fools like this!

If you vote for Obama you have sealed this Nation's death warrant as a free republic. The poor of this nation should do what I did, as I was poor once. Get an education and a job. I worked my way through college and slept in my truck. I also showered at the YMCA and ate meals at the local "soup kitchen". I had no health care, until my last semester and couldn't pay my last semesters tuition until I sold some very prized possessions, which I kept in my truck with me.

The reason I did what I did was because I was trying to better myself, and knew how to "go get it". It was in the Clinton Administration that I was in dire straits. Why does everybody believe that the Democrats are better for poor people? All the Democrats want to do is keep the poor under their thumb so they have a voting block.

I find your opinion that of a fool, or a very misinformed person, and I don't suffer fools well. Like I said, I've been poor, on Welfare and even managed to get Government Health Care. I say this, NEVER AGAIN!

Obama is best for our staus in the world?

I sir am oppossed to a One World Government and even seek the United Nations to be abolished, and off United State's soil. I don't care what our status is in the "world".

I am not a "knuckle dragging Neanderthal" but rather someone that has studied history a bit. I see what is happening and would like to stall the end that is inevitable until after I pass to my final resting place.

Sorry if this is blunt, but if you're not fighting in Iraq, don't have family fighting in Iraq or have never fought in Iraq, you only make yourself look like a liberal pansy for saying we should leave. If you're not in one of the above scenarios, the war very simply, has little effect on your day to day life.

Very well stated! Those who are most vocal about Iraq are usually those with absolutely nothing to lose either way. The only people who need to be brought home from Iraq immediately and without pause are the reporters.

Obama is just a posterchild. I have nothing against the idea of a black president and I would certainly vote for the right candidate regardless of his color but this one is just an empty suit.
I'm poor right now. I had a bad reversal in the last year involving malfeasance on the part of my main client, coupled with a bungled refinance that has left me among those effected by the "sub-prime crisis." Although, in truth, I haven't seen anywhere near the worst of that. All told, though, I may lose my house. So, please let me offer my insight on the subject of what the government owes me for my trouble: a tax break. Period. And I mean a real one. All I ask of Uncle Sam is that he doesn't rob me. I can't afford it.

What I don't need is for the Government to steal money from someone else to bail me out. I have made my own choices, and will prosper or suffer as chance sees fit. It is not your problem.

Obama, like all leftists, wants to give me your money. All they ask in return is that I trade in a few "unnecessary" rights. Chief among them, those secured by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. No, thanks; bad trade. It hasn't had an effect that I would describe as desirable anywhere it's been tried.

I don't think McCain will do much better, honestly. His voting record in the last few years suggests that he is not above pandering and demagoguery. On his website, he lays out a mostly pretty picture of his stance on RTKBA issues. His support of mandatory inclusion of gun gun locks with new guns and NICS checks for individual transfers at gun shows are more than pinholes in this tapestry. These are both "thin edge of the wedge" types of legislation to those of us who see the slippery slope as more than a fiction or a logical fallacy when it comes to politics. When he voted against the Clinton gun ban, he was trying to maintain support from the right. For the same reason, he now says he will not sign another such ban as President. If the right deal is offered, I believe he will indeed sign an "assault weapons" ban, or the like, despite his claims to the contrary. He does look like the candidate best positioned to beat either leftist that the Dems have offered up. So, I guess that I hope he wins. And I hope that I am wrong about him.

In the mean time, fight the very existence of the IRS as hard as you fight for your Second amendment rights. Ending that tyranny is what will strip the power from the hands of all of these politicians. And send me no money; just your best wishes.:)
Regardless of what the next president may or may not do in regards to new gun bans, remember one thing, He/She will be picking at least 2 replacements for the Supreme Court. Do you want judges that are chosen by Hillary or Obama and put on the bench by a democratic controlled senate?