What CrossdrawHolster????


New member
I'm looking for a good western style crossdraw holster for my S&W 629 44 mag. So far I've found 2 styles I like but have no idea how good the holsters and belts are.

The first holster is from Kirkpatrick Leather Company http://www.kirkpatrickleather.com/ and it's this one http://www.kirkpatrickleather.com/3900.html

The other holster is from Mernickle Custom Holsters http://www.mernickleholsters.com/ and it's this one http://www.mernickleholsters.com/graphics/bm_ca6.jpg

What is the diffrence between these two companies, and is one much better than the other??

Any other Leathersmiths that make good crossdraw holsters????
Joey are you sure that they offer these for a double action like your 629? The answer to that question may narrow your choices.
I have heard good things about both companies but have not used eithers products. My only experince came a few years ago when I called Kirkpatrick, credit card in hand, to order one of their high dollar double rigs. It was a large purchase and I wanted to be certain of what I was paying for. The lady on the other end had such a heavy Asian accent I simply could not understand her. (It has been suggested on another forum that it was a Spanish accent since they are in Texas. It was definately Asian, I speak Texan. :)) I very politely explained to the lady that I was having difficulty understanding her and asked if I could speak with someone else. She proceded to give me a cussing. After a few seconds of this a man came on the line to cuss me more. Even though this is no reflection on their products I personaly would carry my gun in my pocket before purchasing from them.


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