What cities have had their anti gun laws reversed by the Supreme Court?

Yeah, Chicago and its suburb Oak Park are likely to be next. I believe that San Francisco also had a restrictive gun law thrown out a few years ago, but as I recall that was a law forbidding guns in public housing, not a generally applicable law.

This is a question I'd ask over on the Volokh Conspiracy web site (http://volokh.com). A bunch of mostly libertarian-leaning lawyers hang out there and blog about legal issues. The level of discussion has much less heat and much more light than most political discussions I've found on the Internet. The gang there is highly supportive of the Second Amendment, and I bet would have a detailed answer to your question in short order.
So far Washington is the only one that has been formally reversed, although a couple of others (Morton Grove?) took the hint and dropped theirs. Heller only applied to Washington; the Chicago case will establish if the Second Amendment applies to just the Federal government or to State & Local governments as well. It is expected that the Second Amendment will be incorporated to apply to all levels of government. Once that happens there will be a flurry of lawsuits against various State & Local laws.
Current issue of American Rifleman has an editorial update discussing "consolidation" on Heller. Chicago and San Francisco, some others. Decision should be out this month or soon.
From what I read the big court is going to have to rule

that the 2nd is for everybody and all ...but then they will let themselves out of the bag by saying that lesser governments can impose certain limited restrictions.... and yes, then there will be more suits ..... at least the lawyers will keep their jobs for years to come.
Not exactly a direct reversal, but Morton Grove (who were the first to enact an all-out ban) quietly loosened their laws after the Heller decision.