What cartridge?


A guy here at work found a casing and I was hoping someone could identify it for me. It looks like all copper, tapered the entire length, bullet diameter looks to be about .320"+ and the head stamp reads "KY NOCH". Anybody?

Thanks in advance!!!

Thanks for the info Hafoc. I think you've got me on the right track. We assumed it was an old BP cartridge but it looks like it's probably a Mannlicher or something similar.

Well, I don't think it's the 9.5 Manllicher- that would be what, .37 caliber or so? You said you had .320 approximately.

But Kynoch is apparently a very old brand name. From their web site and other things I found in a search I gather they were an independent company first. They merged with others in the 1920s, after which Kynoch was just a brand name that larger company used. It finally faded out in the 1970s. Now it has been resurrected by another company (much as today's Springfield Armory company has nothing to do with the old US Government Springfield Armory except the name). Today it concentrates on bringing back limited runs of ammunition for classic British big-game rifles. But many decades ago it apparently made all sorts of ammunition, even standard military loadings.

And if you're right about the case being copper.. it has been a long time since pure copper cases were common. By World War I people used brass.

Copper was too soft. Extractors on rifles tended to rip a chunk of copper out of the case rim instead of extracting the case, once the rifle got fouled and the chamber started to get sticky. This was a common problem back in the Cowboy era. It probably contributed to the destruction of the 7th Cavalry at Little Big Horn. This is something we modern shooters don't often consider. In the old days, ammunition could be pretty lousy.

Anyway, my point.. let's see, point, point, I know I had one around here somewhere.. ah, there it is. Kynoch is an old old brand name, and copper cases are old, and Kynoch could have made just about anything at one time or another. The casing your friend found could still be a very old one.

As for black powder, maybe. I think Kynoch made cordite-fueled cartridges back when cordite was really CORDITE (it came in cords, and they'd cut off several lengths of the cord and fit it into the cartridge) instead of just "the reek of cordite" that shows up in bad English mystery novels these days. But if they're as old a company as they seem to be, they probably did black powder too.