What can you tell me about the Glock 30?


New member
My other friend who owns a Glock 19 is planning to buy a Glock 30, what can you tell me about this gun. He will be using it for home defense and target shooting. What are the goods and the bads of this gun. He really wants the Glock 30, he dislikes the Glock 21 and 36, due to the shapes of the guns. Cost are about $560 for any model Glock in the .45ACP chambered. Also can this Glock 30 handle all ammo out in the market(Hydro-shock, CorBon, CCI Blazers, and imported Wolf ammo) and can this Glock function flawlessly as his Glock 19. Thank you.
Great Pistol!

Two negatives are that the Glock 30 tends to pinch people with smaller and chunkier hands. The area that does the pinching is the front of the grip between the magazine and magazine well. I am lucky as I have long thin hands and fingers. Glock 30s do not like 200gr swc bullets. It doesn't matter with mine if it is lead or jacketed. The Glock regularly eats anything else I feed it. These are very accurate and light recoiling pistols that I highly recommend. Regards, Richard
I'm not a fan of Glocks or DAO in general, but I have to say, a friend's 30 impressed me the other day. Nice accuracy and mild recoil, really fun to shoot; my friend tells me he's never had any problems with its reliability. In fact, if I were going to get a Glock, the 30 would be the one. (I agree with your friend about the 36; for my part, I didn't shoot it as well as the 30, and I didn't think it was all that much smaller or more concealable.)

Stay safe, happy new year.

It is a masterpiece.
I own lots of guns, Glocks, Sigs, S&W Revolvers and the gun I shoot the best it my Glock 30, it is pretty much tied with my Smith 629 in my ability to hit with it at long range.
I don't know why, but the G30 has a balance and feel that just works for me. Of course everyone has their own preference, but I feel very prepared with that gun in my arsenal.

The G30 is a great gun. It is very accurate (G21 is slightly more accurate), recoils mildly, and has a very natural feel and balance to it. I highly recommend the Glock 30............
Glock 30 is one of the best guns for the money out there. Completely reliable with anything I have put in it. 2.5" groups offhand at 25 yds...

Its worth every penny of its price.
i have a G30 and love it. it has amazingly little recoil for it's size (less than a G21 and far less than a full sized 1911) and it's extreemly accurate, many say it's the most accurate glock. mine has never had a single jam or malfunction with any type of round i put through it. some people have trouble feeding SWC in their G30s but besides for them a G30 will work reliably with anything.
Glad to see ya. Welcome to TFL!!!:D
I just got a G30 for Christmas. So far everything you stated in your post is TRUE. Yes the G30 is very Ruger like in regards to what food it will eat, ie. EVERYTHING. There are no glitches yet, and I don't expect any. I now have both a G30, and a G19, and I like them both.
Glock 30 is a fine gun. Surpisingly mild recoil. Same Glock trigger which you either like or hate (sorry, but I'm on the hate side...). Very reliable. Some people get pinched between the frame and mag.

Well, it's just another dull, trouble-free, soulless, dead-bang reliable Glock. In .45 ACP, though. Stay away from unjacketed bullets, of course. If you like getting practice in clearing stoppages, this ain't the gun for you. ;)

All kidding aside, it's also in that great size-efficient G19/G23/G29/G30/G32 format: small enough to tote, big enough to compete with or be enjoyed at the range.
Thank you all for the information. It is greatly appreciated. Both my friends are interested in the purchase of this pistol the Glock 30. I will relay the messages to them. Thanks again.

P.S. Thanks for the welcome denfoote. Later.
Your friend was right favoring the G30 over the G21. The G21 was my first Glock. When I decided to carry concealed, I traded it for a G30. Surprisingly, inspite of the shorter barrell, I find the G30 to be more accurate and obviously, easier to carry. 'Till this day, I have nothing negative to say about the pistol.
Grab an HK USP Compact 45, a Kimber 1911, a Glock 21 and 30, a Sig P220, and maybe a Beretta Cougar 45.

Shoot them at 25', 50', and 75'. Out to about 75 feet they can all deliver to target. But the 1911 and the Glock 30 tend to be the most accurate groupers. That's what I did.

I confirmed the results with my range officer, a SWAT firearms instructor for Seattle PD and he confirmed. Get what you like and you shoot well, but most people perform best with the Glocks and 1911s. He carries a Glock 27 off duty but loves his Les Bauer 1911. Different strokes for diff folks.

For CCW, it's G30 all of the way. Otherwise, you'll need to spend a good $1000 to accurize the 1911 and it still may misfeed and jam on you.

But get you butt to the range and see for yourself. Maybe you don't shoot the Glock or the P220 well. It's your hand and style and need that you should base your purchase on. Not one of us bozo's in e-land.

You tell us!