What can my Rem 1100 handle?


New member
I have a Remington 1100 Skeet which I bought used. It comes with 2 fixed choke barrels (skeet and full). I know loads like buckshot and slugs are out of the question but what about loads that fall in the middle? Like the other day my friend handed me some #6 shot bird hunting loads which I noticed kicked a noticeable amount harder than the target loads which I had been firing. So basically my question is that are the limited to what I can feed my 1100?
Buckshot and slugs are fine. Most folks will get better results with skeet, IC or Modified barrels using either but as long as you stay with soft lead slugs you won't hurt anything even with the full choke barrel. I'd not suggest the solid copper slugs or sabot rounds.
Zippy13 is a skeeter who can answer this. I am not sure if the skeet models had different port sizes designed only for light loads. IF that is the case, heavy loads will batter the receiver to pieces (literally)
Not all R-1100 barrels are the same. Generally, with R-1100s the longer the barrel the smaller the gas vent area. Remington has tried to second guess your application and size the gas vent area accordingly. It's by altering the vent area that Remington tries to regulate the pressure in the gas works. So, if you have a long goose barrel, they assume you'll be using heavy loads. On the other hand, if your R-1100 has a short Skeet barrel, they assume you'll be using target loads. The Remington Skeet barrel has the largest vent area of the various R-1100 barrels. IIRC, there is a small "skeet" and/or "target" marked on the barrel. You can use heavy loads with the Skeet barrel, but you'll not be doing your gun a lick of good by slamming it around. With the R-1100, use the loads the factory assumed you'd use. For a Skeet gun I wouldn't use anything hotter than a 3-dram 1-1/8 oz load. If you want to shoot hotter field loads in your R-1100 fit it with a field barrel.

[SIZE=-2]Remington 1100 12-Gauge Gas Vents
Size (inches) / Drill - - - - Length / Model
.073 / #49 x 1 hole - - - - 34" Duck/Goose
.064 / #52 x 1 hole - - - - 30" Magnum
.079 / #47 x 2 holes- - - - 34" Full Trap
.079 / #47 x 2 holes- - - - 30", 28", 26", 22" Field
.086 / #44 x 2 holes- - - - 26" Skeet
.086 / #44 x 2 holes- - - - 26" Compensated[/SIZE]
Zippy13 hit it on the head. I have a Model 1100 that my wife gave me the year we got married which was 1967. I still have the 1100 and the same wife, and they have both worked out very well through the years.

My Model 1100 came with a 28" modified plain barrel which I traded for a new 26" vent rib with Rem chokes. That was my hunting partner for many years, and now it splits time with a Browning Citori Hunter.

Recently I purchased one of the new factory 18 1/2" Model 1100 barrels from Midway, and immediately tested it with 00 Buck shells with no feeding problems. I then bought some Federal LE 132 reduced recoil 00 Buck shells with Flite Control that many say will not work in automatic shotguns, but they work perfectly with my 18 1/2 in factory barrel. My 1100 is now my full time HD go to gun, and still my back up hunting shotgun.
