What can anyone tell me on a Model 25 .45 ACP?


New member
My shop has one of these on consignment...if I look at Smiths site the 25 is a PC gun chambered for LC. This one is ACP.

Nice looking gun with a black finish.

Any comments?
Time was when you couldn't get a M25 in .45 long Colt. The M25 in .45 ACP was the target revolver of choice for those Bullseye shooters who distained the use of an auto pistol. It was not unknown for cops or others who wanted a S&W revolver in the big Colt cartridge to have an "N" frame .357 converted. I personaly know of one that began life as a Highway Patrolman .357(M28) and was carried by a buddy of mine. If it's in good shape and the price is right, I'd say buy it.

Don in Ohio
It's a consignment piece.....comes with a wood case, some moon clips etc looks to be in super shape..price is $550...too high?
M25-2 Prices

Yes,$550 is high but it does depend on where you live.I've bought and sold a few in the last 6 months and the last one I sold for $425 w/out box in 95%+ condition...so...

The gun shop folks get these guns in and haven't seen them in a L O N G time so they think that they are worth more than they really are. M25s can be bought for 450 on the auction boards but Shipping adds 25 and txfers from 25 to
??? and you are over $500. Then there is the added benefit
of having it in your hand. $550 out the door wouldn't be all
that bad...LOVE MY M25/625s...best...dewey
I have had a M25-2 in .45 ACP, 6-1/2" barrel, for quite a while. It will outshoot most 'target grade' .45 Autos. The pin shooters like them.
Older S&W's like this, pinned and with the nice older Goncalo Alves target stocks and mahogany box, are not that plentiful. I wouldn't take $550 for mine, it's the only handgun I've ever shot five in one hole at 50 yards iron sights.
No less than Jeff Cooper said if you get ahold of one never let it go.

I had a 1955 target, sold it, then found a 1955 mismarked as a 1950 target. Let that one go too. Cooper was absolutely right