What calibre is it?

Pond James Pond

New member
Last night I watched a movie on a certain online film library starring Mr Pitt called Killing Them Softly. In it he plays an underworld enforcer.

In one somewhat disturbing scene we see him execute someone in a slow-mo/close-up graphic drive-by shooting: Mr Liotta (Playing some crook who'd fallen foul of the powers that be).

Anyway, part of that scene that wasn't gory was a close-up of the pistol cycling and ejecting cases. The cases were bottle-necked and I was wondering what it was.

If anyone has seen the film can you confirm if it is indeed 357 Sig?
Only curiosity; nothing else....
Hmmm...so much for my case i.d....

In my defence I did think the cases were too long to be .357 Sig, but couldn't think of any other contender.

Blanks... pretty obvious now, although in some shots you can actually see the bullet leave the barrel. These were no doubt shot in a controlled environment.
"...if it is...you can actually see the bullet leave the barrel..." It's a Hollywood prop that has nothing whatever to do with reality. You can only see the bullet exit the barrel in movies.
However, Salmoneye's picture of the flying cartridge is a 9mm blank. A live SIG's neck is far shorter.
It appears to be a simunition round or something like that, not a standard 9mm blank. Of course the gun may have been altered as well (and probably was) to operate with anything other than live ammo.

BTW, yes, I know that it is entirely possible to kill someone with a gun firing a blank cartridge; it was reportedly done by the KGB, but I have never heard of gangsters doing it.

Blanks loaded into a real gun can kill. My friends' teenage son thought he would play a practical joke on his buddies buy loading a revolver with a blank and play Russian Roulette with it .... on the third time it fired and he died...I went to the boys funeral.
No third hand story ....He died and I saw them bury the boy. Very sad.
The kid was no KGB agent or gangster...just a kid who's father hadn't taught him gun safety. My friend doesn't shoot , owns no guns and had never taught his children about the dangers...ignorance of things will get you killed.
Do Not Play with blanks, enough material comes out the barrel at point blank range to kill.

If you have children....teach them about guns, gun safety and proper gun handling....
It may save their life someday. Like I said ...this is a true story, I lived through the anguish and pain of my friends loss.