What are your favorite scopes?


New member
What are your favorite scopes for hunting and why? Fixed or variable? Which recticles do you prefer? Why?


Well, for hunting I have 2.75x Leupold on my Scout rifle and a 4x Leupold on my Model 70. Both are easy to maintain and still provide a good view for the woods. Also, I have not found an extended eye relief scope for a scout rifle, and the 4x came with the rifle. Rifle magazine, the last issue, had an article on hunting scopes. A 4x will do nicely out to 400 yards or so, if I read the article correctly. My favorite choice is a varible power, several advantages are better light gathering and a wider field of view at the lower powers. Fixed, if you are shooting at a set distance, is fine. Good care will add life to the scope. Most of all, it is what you are comfortable with. A Mk.IV would be nice, but a 4.5x14 works just as well.
Sorry, forget to reply to the reticle question. I prefer the mil dot, as it is easier to estimate range and leads (most of my rifle training is sniping), but the duplex reticle is great also. The Vari X-III has a range finding capability in the reticle using the wide and narrow posts. But like I mentioned, it is what you are comfortable with.
Havingin the past used cheap scopes, and paid for it later on, the only scopes I use today are Leupold. I have a Vari-X III M1LR on my Remington 700VS and another Vari-X III M3LR on my M-14. Both have the mil dot reticles and are my long range hunting rifles. Never seen the point for a scope if you are hunting at ranges under 300 yards. Just slows you down IMHO.
I've never had a problem with a Weaver K-4, Leupold Vari-X II or Simmons 44 Mag. My first scope was a Weaver K2.5, in 1950.

A longer kill on a deer was at 350 yards; my 3X9 happened to be set on 3.

My tri-focal glasses pretty much preclude the use of iron sights, so for close-range hunting I believe a low-magnification scope of one or two power is sufficient. For walking in open country, I'm highly in favor of a maximum of 3X9.

For all around hunting use, I don't really think anybody has beaten the old Weaver K4. I think maybe a K3 with a 40mm objective lens would be about as good as it gets. I'm talking general hunting, here, not prairie dogs or benchrest...

My personal preference for a reticle is the duplex crosshairs...
