What are you going to do for AR-15 owners in CA?

vince weng

New member
For CA AR-15 owners, what are you going to do to your AR-15 rifles after 1/1/2000? Did you sell them before 1/1/200? Do you still keep them and ready to register them? Do you take them out of state? Do you install ugly stocks on them? Anyway, what do you do to your AR-15? My state NJ is going to follow CA soon (I believe), I am wondering how you deal with this situation (of course, everything you did should be legal)?
the CA DOJ has said the ugly stock routine will not pass their pistolgrip definition

the intent of the sb23 is to make possession of any "assault rifle" illegal

they are just waiting for the current owners to die off


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
I'd by a few more hi-cap mags & 2K ammo.

Just ordered some hi-cap BHP mags from CTD & first question was "where do you live?" CA's on the list for a no-no state. Have somebody in another state buy 'em & ship 'em on over to you.

I could give a rat's a$$ what law they pass. I'm a good guy & they don't get my firearms by changing the definition of what a good guy is.

F-word comes to mind - freedom.
So does this mean that current owners of AR-15 (and similar rifles, ex AR-10 etc) cannout have them in CA anymore??

From what I understood, they couldnt be sold anymore, but if you owned them before 1/1/2000 you can legaly keep possesion of them.

does anyone really know how this works??

if you own one you can keep it, if you trundle down to the local police station and register it. it is not transferable to any in state family. They want them gone.

Vince - the wife and I will take our AR-15's out to the range and shoot them - just like always.

The registration issue is another question, and one that doesn't just affect AR's - if you have an M14/M1A with a flash hider? You're supposed to register it. By CA defintion (DRAFT) it's an AW.

Checkout http://www.regagun.org and you can follow the links for AW defintions.

Now... let's think about this. This once great state has allowed their transportation infrastructure, once upon a time the best in the country, to fray and crumble. Our once top rated public educational system is a disgrace. Yet our state taxes remain among the highest in the nation. CA seems to use this money to pass more and more laws.

But the follow through... I don't think CA could administer a sneeze in a cold ward. And I should be worried about hicap mags?!!?

Oh, please.

Apologies for the mini-rant.


Everyone should go to this page and read what this group is working on. All you gun owners in California should throw in and help. Pass the page link around to everyone you know. If these guys can get this thing on the ballot, I think it stands a good chance of passing and that would be great for all gun owners.
Thanks Erick,

I have been reading the VetoTheGovernor page for several months and was aware of the lack of signatures issue. I try to spread the word about efforts like this when I see a fitting opportunity. I hope folks seeing the link will go check them out and help if they can. I also like to encourage everyone to join their state associations. As you probably know, LA is looking at banning reloading components and equipment. It pays to follow the local politics. Even though I live in gun friendly Wyoming, I try to keep up with what is going on.

I know this is not the politics board. Sorry.

Vince, I have a few friends that live in California. One came real close to buying an AR before the end of last year. The more he learned about all the grey areas in this poorly written law and with the round up of the detachable mag SK's, he said to heck with it. One other sold his out of state. Here is an interesting twist. A guy I know is in the Marines at 29 Palms. He is from California and would like to live there after he gets out of the Corps. Like he said to me. "If I get transfered to a different post, what do I do with my guns. If I leave the state with them, I can't bring them back in. It is illegal for me to leave them with someone here while I am gone." I guess his option is to pick his assault rifles or California. Don't look like he can have both.
Considering what is happening to the late registrants from the '89 ban and the detachable mag SKS owners, you should expect to eventually lose whatever you register. This will be accomplished either through a follow up law banning all possession or through another loophole HCI will gladly exploit in court (retroactive gun control).

I don't remember the exact numbers, but I believe most did not register after the '89 ban (correct me if I'm wrong). How many of these people have been contacted at their homes? It seems this trend would continue with the '99 ban as well. Honestly, I hope it does.

But the larger question is when do we finally put our collective foot down and yell "NO MORE!" Do we continue to obey each and every law the statists pass until all we have left are BB rifles and Swiss Army knives? Should we continue to go into that good night like obedient sheeple?

I say they can go to hell.