What are the major ways in which criminals gain access to firearms?


New member
Since felons are not allowed to purchase guns legally, who what and where are their major supply routes. I could see alot of guns being stolen from law abiding people, but their must be a major blackmarket in arms going on in the US.
I think Bloomberg has an operation going, his anti-gun fight is for public consumption.:)
Seriously, stolen firearms and probably gunrunning from foreign countries, although I can't prove it.

How do they get anything...

they steal it. I love how politicians think taking away our guns will somehow diminish crime. There are millions upon millions of guns in our country alone. They will get one somehow. I used to think that if they could guarantee that ALL the guns in the world would be confiscated and disposed of that it would be a good idea. We wouldn't have guns, but neither would criminals, but there is only one problem. The government would most certainly still have guns, and we wouldn't. They would be left to do whatever they wanted.

Everybody says criminals steal their guns. And yes they do that too. But what is being overlooked here is the law of supply and demand, profit margin, and just greed.

What I mean by that is the market that Mayor Bloomberg is so misguidedly trying to crack. The purchase of guns in an area where they are legal, and their resale (for tremendous profit) in an area where they are not.

Now, under our current laws, this is a crime. actually, I think more than one. But the guns are not stolen, they are paid for, legally purchased as far as the seller knows.

If you can buy a cheap pistol for under $100, drive six or seven hours (or less), and sell it for $4-600 ( I have no idea the cost of blackmarket guns, but I hear they are expensive), time after time, some people are going to do just that. Even if they do break a few laws. Like drugs the tremendous profit ensures some people do it no matter what.
I have my sister buy mine.
I had two guns stolen from me in the past (sks & glock)
You can buy guns at gun shows or find private sellers.
Fellon or not if Im planning on commiting a crime with a gun it wont be in my name.
SOME fellons should loose their right to bear arms not all
There was a totally unmarked one on the news a few years back, it was made for black market sales most likely in a third world country.

How true the story is I don't know. I had heard a story of the guns from a police dept. being stolen and used in crimes.
I have my sister buy mine.

Wow Tom, that's cold. If your pistol, that your sister bought for you, were stolen and used in a crime, then you're willing to let her take the heat for it?

Like I said... cold. :eek:

Vension, yes, police do sell firearms and ammunition to criminals. In fact there was a major guns and ammo Chicago/ISP LE ring (selling to Chicago gangbangers) busted a few years ago. However, a few guns and a little ammo that they receive from LE is not a major source.
I'd say they get them by knowing the right guy in the right alley in the right neighborhood.
And how do those guys get them?

Just about all guns used in crimes were inherently legal at some point in whatever country they were made in. If we want antigunners to realize that we're not the problem then it's our responsibility to find ways to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. At some point these guns are being stolen from the manufacturers, distributors, importers, retailers or home owners.