What are the good and bad points of the H&K.357sig for carry.

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Anyone who owns a H&K.357sig. Please tell me the good or bad points of this gun,as I am thinking of buying one myself for carry.
I don't have a .357 Sig in HK but I do have a Glock 32(which is about the same size) Just for reference I do have a HK Compact 9.

Have you ever fired the .357 sig before? One thing to take into consideration is the ultra loud report that these things give off. I think if you ever had to fire this gun without hearing protection, you'd better be outside or you may end up giving yourself a concussion :)

Seriously..are you asking about the firepower or the size of the gun? I've carried my 9 on occasion in a BladeTech IWB holster. Conceals ok but not as well as my 26.

Things I like about my HK. Comfortable to shoot(with a Houge slip on that is), accurate and is a good looking gun. I hate the factory sites and the single action has a bit of play in it.

Of course I probably didn't answer what you were looking for..
I shot the Baby Glock in .357 Sig today. (Glock 33?) A very large LEO two stalls down was putting out some serious noise. I stepped back to watch him shoot, thinking he was firing .45 Super and wanting to ask him about it. Turns out he is a nice guy and offers to let me shoot it.

The first shot..hehe...massive white muzzle blast like I just shot a bolt of lightning. It covered all but my periphial vision. Second shot I almost jerked it off the paper as the gun actually kicked up off of my left hand. I settled down and put out a respectable group with the last six.

I asked my new found friend about the muzzle blast (Federal Premium) and he said he never saw it. He must close his eyes befoe he pulls the trigger. It's that loud!

I don't think I answered your question either but...shoot one if you haven't before you buy. You might scare a BG to death with it but it would be best if you hit him.

Grapeshad, did you get the Hogue Handall? Did you get the full size or the Junior?

Reason I ask is I'm taking delivery of a HK USP40 Compact Wed and have been forwarned of the grips after long sessions at the range.

The muzzle blast is even more impressive in a short, compact barrel. If you or your clothing was close enough to the muzzle (I know, you shouldn't do this!) you would probably set yourself on fire!
Dutch- The full size Houge justs fits on the HK compacts....just make sure that when you do get it on(easier said than done :)), that you don't have it too high in the front or it will interfere with the mag release. You'll see what I mean.

HK makes a great piece but what's up with the grips? I think they sell the excess to make cheese graters :)..JMO

PS Longjohn- like the other guys said..you WILL get some looks on the range when you fire off a .357 Sig. Recoil not much different than a .40(at least in Glocks) but the loud CRACK makes it stand out. Maybe that's why I enjoy shooting it so much...

[This message has been edited by grapeshad (edited November 14, 1999).]
From my G32 the Gold Dot and Remington had little flash, Corbon none, Triton too much. All very loud.

I like it, but don't really see any terminal ballistic advantage over the better 40s. It has about 10% more energy (475 v 525 w Gold Dot ammo in my guns), but makes a smaller hole (.60 v .65-.84, Gold Dot ammo, FBI tests). Call it a draw?

Both are accurate and reliable enough for any use I have for them.

Dutchboy, pay no attention to the comments about the grips. Unless you have that hands of a fairy princess (no insult intended ;)), you will have no problem.

I've had shooting sessions of 4-500 rounds with my USP without ANY problems.

Fairy Princess??? I've been called a lot of things but never that. oh btw...it's MR Fairy Princess to you bub (jk) :)

It's just like anything else...whatever works for you and you alone.
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