What are some alternatives to the S&W 629 "Mountain Gun"?


New member
I am looking at extending my collection into the world of revolvers and I've fallen hard for the S&W model 629 .44 Mountain Gun. But- the price is high, availability is iffy, and there are always the political issues to consider.

Can any of you revolver experts think of a good alternative? I mean something that is very similar in function, lines, size, weight, durability etc. A clone, if possible.

Thanks for any ideas you can give me.
well, theres a taurus 4X44 that has the same

general outline. Also the older 29- 29-2 if you don't like recent SW politics. Other similar ones are pretty expensive such as the Bowen Alpine Revolver. He once said " The name is a rip-off of the Smith Mountain Gun." This is a shortened Redhawk with a number of the Bowen magic touches applied.
I'd also recommend an older model S&W 29. It's pretty easy to find one in great shape for $350 or less. It will have all of the quality of the Mountain Gun (if not more) at a lower price.

Although a great gun, one of the downsides of the Mountain Gun is the felt recoil with stouter loads. If you want to consistently shoot 300gr or better, you'd be better served with a 5.5" Redhawk. While the 29 and Mountain Gun will handle heavier loads, they wouldn't be the right choice if you're considering a regular diet of bone breakers.
Well, the recent M629 Mt. Guns have the enhancements for durability applied to all recent N-frame S&W's. Older M29's won't stand up as well to extensive shooting with heavy loads.
I think the Mt. Gun (Mt. Revolver, in some editions, I think) is unique in that it amounts to a handy, slick .44 Special that will take the magnum loads when you really need them. Usually, what amounts to a .44 Spcl. Plus P round (240-250 grains at some 900 FPS) seems in order as a routine load. Of course, only handloaders can turn these out; no factory load is as good.
The .45 Colt version of this gun can use the Federal 225 grain lead HP, but velocity is probably only some 800 FPS, if that. (Four-inch bbl.: This round sometimes hits over 900 FPS in 7.5-inch bbls.)
Sorry, but I think this a case where there isn't another gun "just as good" in this role. Just buy a used one if you aren't prepared to forgive the new owners of S&W, who seem to be trying to get out of the agreement with the Clinton dictatorship signed by the previous, British, owner... who also sat by and allowed UK legislators to disarm the British people of handguns with nary a protest.

Lone Star
there is a widely circulated bit of spin going around that the "Agreement" was only an agreement to make an agreement and wasnt really an "Agreement". Therefore, the new owners of Smith are not covered by it. I have no idea if this is true or not.

IN any case, the enhancements do seem to add to the durability of the MG. I haven't shot mine to death with heavy loads but have shot enough factory level's to start some problems with one of the older 29s. I was recently sent into smith for a full diagnostic preparatory to engraving and passed with flying colors. I prefer to shoot it with relatively mild loads and sight it for carry with the 25-29,000 psi Corbon 165s. One time, I got carried away shooting bowling pins wiht PMC 240 jhps and had to stop when the blood made the grips to slippery.

I also have a 4" 29-2 which is extremely accurate and tight. I stop at 10 Unique / 250 with this one as any substantial amount of full loads will take their toll.
How about a Dan Wesson .44? :) I've had my 4" heavy barrel stainless steel .44 for about 15 yrs now. Not quite as portable as the 29, as the frame is a lot beefier, but on the plus side-it's super strong. And you can always get extra barrels. You can even fashion your own custom grips, as it doesn't have a traditional back strap.

Then why the hesitancy on the part of the new owners to renounce the "agreement to make an agreement"?

Have you read the agreement?

Plenty of threads here on TFL that have links to the agreement.

Decide for yourself.:cool:
A Dan Wesson Model 744 would do you proud.
I prefer the Model 44, but then I'm a sucker for a blued revolver. 4 inch full underlug balances nicely, 6 or 8 inch barrels I find the cut back underlug provides better balance, but that's me.
DW's will handle hot loads and plenty of them. If you can find a used one, (look for Monson, Mass. mfg.) it's usually a bargain. No parts availabilty issues with the Model 44 or 744, just call the factory.
Take Care
and there are always the political issues to consider.

Those issues are DEAD.
Smith is OK now. That mind set is history.
2 bad years out of 100+.
Buy the Smith. The rest is crap by comparison
629's are great guns. My stock trigger is 2nd to none.
Owned my 8"3/8 629 classic for almost 10 years.
Noting comes close. So don't even bother.
Just buy a 629.
Its that good.
Interesting that the 'instead of a Mountain Gun' guns were guns that cost MORE than the Mtn.! And so it goes....hard to beat a winner at any price. Colt New Service and SAA ? Wouldn't want to fire alot of .44MAGS if they'd chamber.....ANOBIGSNAKE ??? $600 plus, can find a lightly used Mtn. for that anywhere ya look.
Get the original....dewey Oh, Bowen Alpine ? $700 +++.
Buy the Smith. The rest is crap by comparison
629's are great guns. My stock trigger is 2nd to none.
Owned my 8"3/8 629 classic for almost 10 years.
Noting comes close. So don't even bother.

Well, gee; my 629-3's trigger has been heavily worked on by a good 'smith, and it's very good, but not as good as my 625-4. *shrug*

I think your best N-frame triggers, however, are going to come from guns with the hammer-mounted firing pin; it's a fact that you can go a good 20-25% lighter on the mainspring than you can with the new ones and still get reliable ignition.
Those issues are DEAD. Smith is OK now. That mind set is history.
Anyone want to go trolling??

asdaf, I agree with you 100%. I won't buy another S&W either under the present conditions.


Taurus sells this 5 shot Titanium revolver, although it is a 41 Magnum. Ammo would be more expensive for this gun. It is light though, at under 21 ounces.

However, if it has to be a .44Mag I would advise as most of the others & look for a used M29.
SIG 210-6,

Those issues are DEAD. Smith is OK now. That mind set is history. 2 bad years out of 100+.

You know something the rest of us don't?

Have something that shows S&W's new owners have recanted the agreement?

Rhetorical questions, both? I already know the answers.

The agreement remains enforceable, and should the 2004 presidential race give us a not so favorable president-elect, your thinking may suffer some gross adjustment.

I would suggest you utilize the search feature provided at this forum and do a little reading on the agreements current status.

If you are interested.
When I went looking for a .44 Mag revolver, I had it narrowed down to the 629 and the Anaconda. I went with the Anaconda, but not by much.

First of all, I buy what I like, so politics had no place in my choice. I own 4 S&W's, half of which I think are post-agreement (I never really checked). Secondly, both the S&W and Colt are fine guns, and I would have been just as happy with the Smith. Third, I've heard that the Colts have gone up in price, so shop around and see how much each is. Finally, most Anacondas I see are 6 inchers (like mine), but I have seen 4 inchers as well, though they are rare.
Political issues? Personally, I just don't bother with that. It is almost funny to listen to guys bleat about how they hate 'political correctness", and then do the same thing in reverse. I like certain Smith products, and I buy them when and as I can. I just LOVE my new 29-5 Mountain gun.
Political issues? Personally, I just don't bother with that. It is almost funny to listen to guys bleat about how they hate 'political correctness", and then do the same thing in reverse. I like certain Smith products, and I buy them when and as I can. I just LOVE my new 29-5 Mountain gun.

*sigh* Confusing the conviction to sacrifice your desire & stand firm for your rights with PC. If true, so sad. Like lambs led to the slaughter :(