I would not shoot a whole lot of really hot, lightweight bullet ammo in a model 19. Heavy bullets (158 to 180 grains) seem to be a little easier on the forcing cone and barrel throat. A limited amount of hot ammo will not blow up a model 19. Use of lightweight, high velocity loads does seem to erode the throat and may crack the forcing cone. My model 19 has seen a few hundred rounds of 110 gr JHP loads and shows the beginning stages of wear at the forcing cone.
Also, I wonder how wise it is to use lightweight bullets on deer. These bullets are usually designed for minimum penetration and maximum expasion. For deer, I think 158 to 180 grain bullets are a little better. They are more likely to make a nice exit wound which should provide a better blood trail if you have to track down the animal. Heavier bullets also tend to be a little more accurate.