What am I doing wrong?


New member
Or: how do I get those MN strippers to work?

I just barely got my shipment in of MN strippers. I loaded one up, put it in place on the receiver and pushed.

And pushed.

And pushed.

And pushed.

Eventually I had to stop to prevent my hand from slipping and getting a nasty slice.

What am I doing wrong? Do these things need lube? Do I need to stack the rims a certain way?
Although you probably already know, first make sure the rims are staggered properly. Upper rim in front of the lower rim.

I usually push the upper cartridge with my thumb placed as close to the clip as I can, while hooking one finger of the same hand under the nose of the upper-most cartridge tip (to keep it more or less parallel to the bore). This technique has worked for me on my M-44 and Lee-Enfield pretty well.