What about a Kel-tec forum?

Kevin in IN

New member
First off don't get me wrong, I love The Firing Line! But there is a Glock, Sig, and even a Taurus forum(and no one seems interested in that one) and I'm sure many others. My question after viewing MANY posts here at TFL about the P32 alone,and I know the p11-40 has a loyal following also, why isn't there a forum? Heck why not take the Taurus forum and revamp it for the Kel-tec, no one will miss it(and I even own a Taurus pt-111). I know there is the KTOG site, but it lacks the info a real forum would bring to an exciting handgun(s). Tech info, ammo preferences, carry modes, modifications etc. What I did or shot today and what should I do next time. How do I improve or fix this. I can't imagine a handgun liked and tinkered with by so many(just look at KTOG) except maybe Glock. I don't know, maybe it's just me. But I know there are alot of you out there with a Keltec, maybe more than Taurus? Just a thought. Happy shoot'n Kevin
have you been to the link at the ktog website for the eGroups forum? the format is different than TFL's but it is a good site.
it is the link entitled "mailing list"
they also have a forum under the link "bulletin board" but the eGroups forum is the best one.
get registered first & then go to the link called "go to KTOG eGroups commmunity"
when you register, select the option where you do NOT get mails of all the postings, you'll get swamped.
i wish the format was like TFL but the people at the site are VERY knowledgeable.
there is also another unrelated kel-tec forum. i have that address at home.

[This message has been edited by alamo (edited July 27, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by alamo (edited July 27, 2000).]
I don't think one is needed, when I see something on the P-32 I always click on it and check it out. They are great little guns, but don't need their on page IMHO.


Hey thanks Alamo! Again. I never went into the Billboard section at KTOG. Dahhh??? How did I miss this??? Well thanks for letting me know about this forum. As for my post. Forget I even wrote it. Thanks alot! Fun shoot'n. Kevin
There are a couple other forums with KTOG refugees, also on elists or egroups. Look for StraightShooters and also Concealed. There is considerable overlap among members of those forums and KTOG on egroups. But, there are also a few KTOG dropouts who loudly proclaim that KTOG has gotten tooooo moderated and stuffy -- and they are tired of repetition of questions about newbies using their P11 or p32 for the first time or not understanding what is meant on the KTOG site about fluff and buff and a few other repeated topics that arise every couple weeks when someone new signs on.
With that quibble KTOG on egroups does have some very well informed KT users who willingly share their knowledge no matter how many times the same question is asked. You may also encounter several of them on other lists like Cole LaFrance, Chuck Pena, Larry "Bear" Criteser, Jack Fusilier and several others.

Try it, you'll probably like it, and keep coming back to TFL as well.

JIm in IN
