What a difference a week makes


New member
At our local club's Bullseye 900 match last week, I struggled to a 701 shooting .38 specials from my 6" S&W 686. I had changed out the main spring and trigger rebound spring in the revolver to make the action nice and light, and I had a LOT of light primer strikes (like 10-12) in 60 rounds of DA Timed and Rapid Fire. I also had sight alignment issues that persisted until halfway through the match when I figured out the necessary corrections. Very frustrating.

A shooting buddy recommended Federal primers, so I bought a box and loaded up 100 rounds to use at today's match. I had no problems at all, not even a single failure to fire! As a result, I shot my best centerfire score ever... 757, in the second match of the day. Combined with the 789 I scored with my 6" K-22 in the first match (also a rimfire personal best), my combined total of 1546 was 34 points better than any previous 1800 match. I do all my shooting using iron sights, no red dots.

The only disappointment of the day was that I failed to hit 800 in the first match. I only needed to average 90 in the last two rapid fire rounds, but choked and shot 82 and 87 after having a 90 on the first RF round. Grrrrrrrrr