What a difference 8 years makes!

Many of course disagree with my opinion but if America does not act soon on problems such as energy, immigration,outsourcing, loss of manufacturing, meddling in other countries affairs we will cease to exist as the America I grew up in. Most of these problems have been due to but not limited too greedy out of control corporations. Please no economies 101 lectures it only works when you have morals and standards along with love of county and that has went out the window along with common sense.
those pesky Democrats

being concerned over corporations making profits. Why that was just unAmerican. And now the idea that oil companies should be taxed and the subsidies removed. Such unreasonable thinking by those Democrats. :eek:

Of course the Republican solution is: problem there is no problem in free enterprise.
I have stated this before...

...that I don't have a problem with companies making profits, but I do have a problem with doing it in possibly sketchy practices.

For example, last week when there was far less supplies than what they thought there would be, oil jumps, then a couple days later supplies were up, oil goes almost nowhere. We trust these people to give us honest reports, and I don't think they are.

Also, a refinery was shut down for unspecified maintenance. Seems kinda shady to me.

If something doesn't happen soon, many will be unable to even afford to go to work. I read that someone making $9 an hour would have to use an entire day's paycheck to just pay for a week of gas. How many people don't even make that an hour?

lg_mouth: If you think that's shady, read the BusinessWeek articles linked on this site....

I made this point a few weeks ago and immediately the "markets can not be wrong" crowd huffing, then the "oil companies have to make profits crowd started" even though it had nothing to do with wellhead cost but aftermarket pricing of futures. There are lots of national government owned commodities sovereign funds throwing around billions in the market to manipulate it. Then there are mania driven fund managers with too much capital and too little sense. Markets are "perfect" ONLY if all the criteria are met: rational actors, perfect information to all participants, no transaction costs.

See: http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=288245
Many of course disagree with my opinion but if America does not act soon on problems such as energy, immigration,outsourcing, loss of manufacturing, meddling in other countries affairs we will cease to exist as the America I grew up in. Most of these problems have been due to but not limited too greedy out of control corporations. Please no economies 101 lectures it only works when you have morals and standards along with love of county and that has went out the window along with common sense.

American monetary policy seems to be a "shoot-from-the_hip" style. It seems to me that the private banks that print our money and regulate our economy do not know what they are doing. Or, even worse, they do know what they are doing and it ain't good for the average American.

I have never seen our government seem so complacent in the face of such damning economic evidence (dollar sinking in value, prices of commodities rising, etc.). If the federal reserve (private banks) were not printing counterfeit money to artificially prop-up the economy, then things would be much worse right now. As it is, the fed has only bought some more time before things go to hell.

If the US government were serious about lowering oil prices, then they would immediately work to increase the value of the dollar. They could do this by increasing rather than lowering interest rates, which would put less money in the economy and would strengthen the dollar. So far, the fed has done exactly the opposite. That makes me wonder who is steering the ship.
Well geeze, that's easy enough! We'll just increase interest rates, which will drive up the interest rates for consumer loans (like mortgages, vehicles, and credit cards), and make it much harder for businesses to borrow money due to the higher interest rates, and make the credit crisis even worse. Which will lead to massive lay offs by those horrible big corporations, but oh well, what me worry?!? Those evil corporations and their horrible employees deserve bankruptcy. Meanwhile, we'll turn an economic slow down into a full-blown recession, ignore the greatly increased demand for oil, continue to have high oil prices, have even higher inflation, and then blame it all on President Bush. :rolleyes:

Welcome to the Lew Rockwell school of economic theory. It's so easy.....:barf:

Edited to add: but don't worry, Obama will wave a magic wand, get everyone to work together, raise taxes, and everything will be great!
fremmer, it is not my problem that you do not understand basic economics. Please educate yourself and then come back again when you have something of value to contribute.
I have fewer regrets in my life than having voted for GWB in 2000.

History will prove his one of the most incompetent administrations ever, mark my word.

Wingman... you can be my wingman any day. You put it in a very easy to understand statement. It is obvious your common sense is still with us. Thank GOD!
Oil is more expensive now, yes. But why?

1. Iraq does not pump up and sell.
2. China and India have become richer and is now buying oil, and so the competition for the available oil is on.
3. The dollar is weak. Everything from abroad has recently become more expensive, including your favourite gun.

President Bush wishes that more countries around the world could become democracies, but with that comes that these new democracies will play on the world market and buy up the resources the Americans want. The more democracized the world becomes, the poorer America will seem in comparison.

America will be on the fore front about new energy resourses and the rest will suffer then, when buying that know-how from America.
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