What a beautiful weekend! What's in your pot?!?


New member
We have wonderful weather here. It's time to make use of it before the sun gets too close to the earth and the skeeters fly back from GA or wherever that tornado took them. We've enjoyed two+ weeks without them though.
Break out the PID's and the hot plates and let's get the casting pot hot!! :D
'Several views now, no posters. I guess I'm the only one who went out and enjoyed this day. Here's my little setup. I switched out the pins and put two deep HP and two Penta pins in the .432 Hammer mold.


Here's the results. I still gotta bring em in and sort, but I do see lots of keepers in there. I only did one pot today. I hope to hit it again in the morning, now that I've got all my stuff out there. It's quite an ordeal to get it all out there and set up for use. I'm really jealous of you guys with basements and garages that you can use.:cool:
And I've got a little suspicion that some of these might be going to Texas for hog hunting.;)

Not quite casting season yet, here on the frozen tundra. Today I taught the last of the 3 reloading courses I teach in the winter.

Spring brings lots of variable weather here. We had one good day last week and now scattered showers and possible thunder boomers.

I gotta put a new top on my casting table when it clears some.

Other than that I am patiently waiting.

Beagle: I cast in the back yard and set up a good fan to help keep the damned skeeters at bay. It works most of the time.
We are a hair more north of ya so I’m waiting out the cooler weather, rain in the 50s here, in other words almost perfect weather for these parts. That said the good wife and I made the 4.5 hour jaunt over the mountains to our vacation property to see if we could get in amongst the snow. That as a big fat NO. Casting season if coming very soon in our next of the woods. Gotta fair bit if catching up to do beings I’ve been loading ALOT this winter.

Now if only I could make my bullets as purdy as em Beagle bullets!!!
Day Two! Beautiful again! This weather won't last long at all. Our Spring is very short. It seems like we go from frosty mornings to 102° days instantly. I ran an entire pot through the Pro Melt today, I even added 3 new ingots during a break, so I know I got use of the full pot. Now to take these in the house and sort the keepers from the re-melts. :)

Beautiful bullets! I don't do much with casting hp's, just normal swc's, etc, but have been able to do some casting lately, with temps running in the 30's in the metal building I keep that stuff in. There is something about a pile of newly made bullets that makes me think we have a disease...where its almost as much fun making them, as shooting them!
Looks like you are getting it done neighbor. The mosquitos are out and big as crows over here on Lake Martin.

Hope you didn't get harmed by any of the tornado mess over in your area.
We're fine here, Lamar. The tornado missed me, but it did hit my road (Lee Road 38) and started about 4 houses down from me and took everything past that to State Highway 51. We lost 23 neighbors in that one.
Finally got around to putting shoes on some of these and getting them boxed up. They're heading to Texas! :D
(and the other pan of them is heading to Idaho. I gotta cast some more for me!:rolleyes:)


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