What .45 to get


I am looking to get a new handgun. I just turned 22 and have wanted to get a handgun since I was 21 but just haven't had the money. Now I do and I want to get something but I am having a hard time making a decision between several different guns.

I have fired both the Sig P220 and the Glock 21 and like them both but I have recently been checking out the Hk usp .45 and have heard a lot of good things about that one too.

I have logged a lot of range time with the 9mm and the .45 and I am pretty much settled on the .45 caliber so it is just picking out the gun now. I have no concealed carry permit so size really isn't a factor.

Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Also if you have any other suggestions(guns other than the ones I have listed) I am open to checking them out as well.

Thank you in advance for any help you might give me.

Jedediah Smith Hignell
Size does matter. ;)

I like the USP series but if I were you I would get the G30.

Dont get me wrong, if you get the USP .45 you have a made a wise choice. I would opt for the USP compact just in case you ever do get a CCW, then you wont have to buy a new gun, although that could be a fun thing.
I'm sure you will receive all kinds of responses on this one, but I would get the one that feels best to you. A lot of people think of a 1911 variation when considering the 45, but all the ones you mentioned are quality pieces. If you have a chance to try any of them before buying I would recommend doing so. Your choices are many, but if anything I would stick to some of the higher quality pieces.
The choice is yours and yours only. Alot of guys will tell you "Get the Glock". There are a large variety of handguns out there in .45. Do some shopping and see whats best for YOU.

Also depends on how much you have to spend. If its less than 400 then theres Taurus, EEA, CZ and a few others. Over 400 and your looking at Glock, Sig, 1911 and so on. Just remember to shop around and see what fits you the best. Good luck.
All very good choices. The 21 was my faviorate of those mentioned. I liked my 220 but sold it because I became a Glockaholic and learned what a waste of time a DA SA design is. The USP is nice I carried one on duty for a while its main disadvantages are high bore line above the hand that makes the gun realy buck a lot with heavy loads. It can be carried cocked and locked and many like that. The Glock 30 is a good choice if you want something smaller for ccw. The 36 is a waste in my oppinion as its not any smaller than a glock 32/32/19 and it holds far less ammo thats not any more effective realy.
There are many fine .45s out there but the Glock 21 or Glock 30 have so much going for them that they are really hard to ignore. Such as the Glocks rust resistance, high magazine capacity in the 21 and the reliability of the Glock, which is also a real reason why so many Police Officers have Glocks in their holsters these days.

Lot's of truth to all the post's. Here's the way
I would forsee thing's shaking out. #1- you stated
that you have experienced range time with the Sig
P220 and the H&K USP. #2- being fair and willing
to compare, try the Glock's and the Beretta. #3-
Now, try some of the various 1911's that are out
there. Your choice should be coming a lot clearer,
now. Either you want a SA only (1911), Safe-Action
trigger (Glock's), or a combination SA/DA ( Sig
P220, H&K USP, Beretta). The choice is yours, my
friend; no one can make it for you.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

Thanks for the quick reply guys. I spent some time in the past shooting my friend's G21 and really liked it but when I looked at the usp I really like the fact that you could safely carry it cocked and locked. Money isn't really an issue. I guess what I really need to do is go and spend some time on the range with some different guns and see what I can shoot best with. Are there any guns that I should stay away from due to poor quality?
In my opinion the top 4 (45 acp) handguns in ALPHABETICAL order are:


In my opinion, the Glock is the best deal for the money and you can get high capacity in a small package (G30).

No matter which one you get if it is one of the above, you will be very satisfied.
In defense of the Glock. (Im a "Glockaholic"), the DA trigger is only 5.5lbs. You can easily modify that to 3.5 with a simple connector replacement.

I can understand the "Cocked and Locked" point of view. I personally would never carry a gun like that just for the simple reason, it would take me just as much time to un-safe the weapon and do a DA pull as it would to do a SA pull.

To each his own though. Like some have said, pick the one you like and fits you the best. Afterall, you are the one that is going to be stuck with it. :D
If it's been said once, it's been said 5 hundred bizillion times...

If you have a range near you that rents firearms, rent as many of the 45 caliber guns as you can and then decide which one you are serious about.

I personally don't like Glocks, but that was only after I fired several. They just didn't feel right to me. I tried the HK USP 45, 99% match for me. Then I went and tried the 1911, 110% match for me. Have bought 2 1911 and a Hi Power since and couldn't be happier. But, if I ever come across an HK USP 45 for a really good price, I'd probably pick it up.

Get what is comfortable and that which you shoot well.
Here's another advocate of the *Shoot as many as you can and then decide* school. After 9/11 I went out and bought a Glock 30 but I knew exactly what I needed because......see above.
Just a little comment, if I may. The Sig P220
fit's my hand like a glove; and its utterly
reliable and accurate to boot.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Trimation - Some good advice above but an additional consideration would be what you want the firearm for. If, for example, you want to carry it concealed then you can forget some of the choices like the H&K, Ruger and CZ if your body build is slight or small. All of the .45's mentioned in previous posts are fine weapons. If its concealment the Glock 30 is a good choice if your hand can handle the frame. If it can not then try the Sig 220. If size is no problem decide at a range where you can rent them.
Purely personal preference, but I like SIG as it has an honest double action first round trigger pull but Glocks have that weird trigger, almost like halfway between SA and DA.
You like the 45? Then get yourself a 1911 and expand from there. At some point you will gravitate towards them and you will eventually have one. Skip a step or two and get one now! :D