Western WA silencer shoot


New member
The Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club is having their 3rd annual silencer shoot on Saturday July 20 from 2pm to 6pm. It is $5 for non-members to use the range and there will suppressed firearms for them to try out free of charge. The club is encouraging other silencer owners to bring their stuff and demo it for the public as well as offering space for dealers to show up and demo their silencers.

The KRRC is on Seabeck Highway near Bremerton. The website is http://www.gunsafety.org. Click on the club adddress in the upper right corner of the home page to get a Google map of the range.

We have several shooters with supressors shooting our Tactical Rifle and Multi Range F Class Matches.
I just wish they were cheaper to buy, and you did not have to put up with all the Balogne to own one.
The reduction in Noise is very welcome.

I hope you have a great turn out.

It was a good turnout. The rifle line was full for several hours and most people brought suppressed firearms. One manufacturer showed up to answer questions and let people demo their suppressed rifles. I shot my first 44 mag Silent Destroyer; very impressive. I might have to make one of my own some day.

One guy bought an Encore and let people shoot 50 cal API bullets (510 whisper) into a metal gong 150 yards downrange. The clang/flash/bang of the bullet from 150 yards away was nearly as loud as the muzzle blast. The plate was 18" wide so there were very few misses. One miss cut through a piece of rebar holding the gong up inside of the tractor tire it was mounted in. I was able to collect some of the intact steel cores the next day.