Western Australia now a Police State

From today's West Australian newspaper, buried on page 28 in a column 2" x 1"

About 500 vehicles were stopped at the South Australian-WA border during a weekend SA-WA police roadblock. (Call it what they like, it's effectively a border checkpoint)

It was aimed at driver education, particularly driver fatigue in the transport industry.

Drivers were breathalysed, vehicles examined and checks made for drivers' licences and outstanding warrants.

Passengers, including those on buses, were checked.


NOW will some West Aussie people understand how many "rights" we have lost -- and how far down the path we are to becoming a total "police state"? This is the same police force ... ooops, sorry .... police service wants to see WA citizens totally disarmed.

I am sending a copy of this to every single person/group/forum I can think of who may find it relevant and interesting. Please feel free to pass it on to anyone you feel could make use of it.

NOTE that this is on the same day that the WA Govt announces it plans to introduce a new driver's licence with digital photo stored on a central databank, as well as an embedded microchip, which will store information for the police and "other Govt departments" to access via computer link-ups. And no, you aren't allowed to know what information about you is stored there.


This same thing is happening in northern new mexico according to a friend of mine who hunts there, what's it like in Oz now that the confiscation has taken place? Just curious, can you hunt still, and can a U.S citizen bring rifle or pistol there to hunt with? Are there any firearms there legal to still own or purchase?
I hear very little about OZ Except that crime has gone up. I have a small understanding obout what you guys are going through, live in Kalifornia where they love to enact firearms bans, if they are unconstitutional the courts just duck them until they rewrite new law. Assault weapons ban was enacted in 1989 and is unconstituional and will be replace by new law on the first of the new year, but do you think they will repeal old law before new one is enacted of course not. I feel bad for you guys in OZ, hopefully there was a slightly less than full compliance when the guns were to be turned in, saw them being destroyed on tv kinda reminded me of the NAZI book burning, very sad day indeed.

One if by land Two if by sea.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 18, 1999).]

Don't want to take up too much space, since it has been covered before, but:

1. Yes, we can still hunt, though there's a concerted move to shut it down completely.

2. A US citizen who wanted to bring a gun here to hunt would have a very hard time as he/she would have to comply with our laws regarding "reason" and "need". I can state quite categorically that unless you are an international target shooting competitor coming here to compete, you would NOT be allowed to bring in a handgun. Handgun hunting is verboten throughout Australia.

3. Bolt action and lever action rifles and SxS or O/U shotguns still legal, but restrictions on ownership and licensing requirements make them hard to get -- legally.

4. In States which did not have registration prior to the new legislation, compliance has probably been in the order of 20 -- 30%. In WA, which had FULL registration, compliance is near as dammit to 100%, because the cops already knew exactly who had what.

In summary, Oz is very anti-gun, and gun ownership is regarded as a "deviation" from the accepted, PC, sheeplike norm.

Bruce, Thanks for fast reply, sorry you had to repeat already posted info, have not known of this forum long, did not see it. Best of luck in getting some freedom, seems a little scary having arms restritions that close to the Chi-Com.
I read in About Face by Hackworth you Aussies know how to fight guerilla style, if only the military high brass had listened to Hack praise your style we might have lost a lot less troops in Vietnam and maybe won the war, but that was probably not part of their plan.
OZ: Of course, the obvious question is, how high was compliance with the REGISTRATION law? They've confiscated close to 100% of the whatever percentage people were foolish enough to let them know about.

Sic semper tyranus!

Registration in Western Australia was enacted in the 1890s (initially) and "full" registration in the 1930s.

That was before even my time ;)

It was a fait accomplit by the time I was born, and people had accepted it because it was the status quo.
