Westboro (so-called) Baptist (so called) Church to protest Amish children's funeral

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It's comming up on Fox news shortly 10/4 9:45 am

The SBC, and every other protestant and even Catholic chuch ought to make it a point to picket their....building...until they remove all slanderous references to Baptist and Christian on their building and in their messages.

Those people are crazy. Amish girls are about to be laid to rest.

EDIT: Okay, just saw the story. They are protesting the funerals because the governor of Penn. signed legislation that would make it a misdemeanor to protest sodomy and that (somehow) makes the school shooting "God's Judgement" on Pennsylvania and the governor.....I am a Christian, I am against sodomy, I am esepcially against what the governor did, I believe in a judging and merciful (a word foreign to WB) God.
Having established my beliefs.........as far as the Westboro crowd goes, what in the world does any of that have to do with the Amish losing 5 little girls and them wanting them to be laid to rest?!!!! Westboro people are crazy. I say again:

The SBC, and every other protestant and even Catholic chuch out to make it a point to picket their....building...until they remove all slanderous references to Baptist and Christian on their building and in their messages.
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Seeing as how my true feelings would get me banned I'm going to remain silent on this topic.:barf:

EDIT: I just remembered something I could say. "If can't say anything nice, don't speak at all."
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I'd be very, very comfortable with God's Judgement plowing a tractor-trailer loaded with explosives into the WBC's van.

But that's just me.
I have seen this group before protesting at soldiers funerals. It is pitiful how they act. They are neither Baptists or christians in my book. Their website is blasphemous. Yes they have freedom of speech and religion but they would NOT protest at any private funeral I had or attended.

Gosh never thought about " banned" I may be after my post on this subject in the general forum.
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