West Virginia Now Honors Montana. . . WV, MT, ID & AR Updates

Gary Slider

New member
West Virginia – The Attorney General has announced that West Virginia will now honor the Montana Permit to Carry. For years Montana has honored WV. Montana and who they honor can be view Here: https://dojmt.gov/enforcement/concealed-weapons/ I have been talking to the AG’s Office in West Virginia (my home state by the way) and asking them to add and remove certain things from their pages on carrying and firearm laws in WV. WV is now a permitless carry state and it doesn’t matter as much but WV doesn’t list the states we honor. That listing was different from the states that honor WV. That should now change in the future and hopefully with other things. Hoping WV just makes it official that they just honor all states permit/license and be done with it. I do have to state that WV does put a lot of useful Info out for those who do carry. There is always room to make things even better.
AG’s Press Release on Honoring Montana - https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/...cle_1526000e-1c04-50fa-834b-bab1159d05a1.html
State of West Virginia Firearms Information Website - https://ago.wv.gov/gunreciprocity/Pages/default.aspx

West Virginia – Effective June 8. 2018. The Governor has signed West Virginia’s Parking Lot Storage Bill, HB 4187. It also gives liability protection to businesses. WV bills become law 90 days after they are passed if no effective date in bill. http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?year=2018&sessiontype=RS&input=4187

West Virginia – Effective June 8. 2018. The Governor has signed SB244. Defines in law when it is a school function. West Virginia has had problems with what is a school function outside school own property. Court cases have tried to define it. This bill removes a lot of the gray areas and remedies that problem. http://www.wvlegislature.gov/Bill_Text_HTML/2018_SESSIONS/RS/bills/SB244 SUB1 ENG.pdf

Idaho - The Governor allowed SB1313 to become law without his signature. SB1313 takes effect July 1 and is a Stand Your Ground Statute. You can read the text of the bill as passed by the legislature at

Arkansas - The News is reporting that the Arkansas State Police have approved plans for 8 schools of higher education to exempt Sports Facilities from the Enhanced Permit Carry Law. Arkansas Passed a bill saying all those places would not be off limits to Enhanced Permit Holders. Then turned around and passed another law saying they could if they came up with plans. The way it was stated in was “Schools could designate sensitive areas where they wouldn’t want people to carry concealed handguns. To prohibit concealed carry in those sensitive areas, they would have to put together a security plan for those areas and submit it to Arkansas State Police for approval.” Story Here: http://www.therepublic.com/2018/03/30/ar-concealed-handguns-arkansas/

www.handgunlaw.us has been updated with changes that are in effect and will be updated on the dates when new laws listed take effect.
This is a combined "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine" bill.

There is an interesting story behind SB1313, here in Idaho:

For years now, we have been pestering our legislators to introduce a "Stand Your Ground" and "Castle Doctrine" bill to protect us. We have always been told that we don't need one, as there is plenty of court cases that protect us... Last year, it seems that a court up near or at (I don't yet have the specifics) Coeur d'Alene ruled otherwise.

So both our house and senate introduced bills. The senate bill passed and actually has the better protections.

While both the "Stand" portion and the "Castle" allow the presumption of reasonableness, it codifies that in any prosecution the burden of proof is on the prosecution and must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.