West nile virus and hunting


New member
I have an odd question regarding an issue that has been talked about a lot in the media . But I haven't found anything related to hunting and the West Nile Virus. A number of doves in Florida have been found with the virus.

I take it that anything related to this virus would be destroyed by the cooking process.

Any one have a clue?

There have been some reports of people getting the virus in the county next to mine. Question, how can you tell if you the dove you shot got the virus?
Per an article in today's Tallahassee newspaper, the WNV is transmitted by mosquitos which have previously dined on infected birds, horses, people, whatever. When these mosquitos then dine on YOU, you're in trouble.

I really doubt that the virus could survive the cooking process and then the digestive process...


That question should have been presented much more clearly. But regardless the message was delivered well enough to get some good responces.

I just had a meeting with a few people from IFAS/UFL (Institute of Food and Ag. Science at the University of Florida) They too said it shouldn't be an issue once you have prepared the birds well enough to be eaten.

Provided you don't eat them raw. Which, sounded like good advice to me. Because, it sounded pretty darn yucky.

This does stand out as a warning for those of us who love the woods to respect the insects and be weary of things we can see, smell or even hear. Theysaid the real problem isn't what you eat, but what eats you.

A little more info!

I just spoke with the Il. animal disease lab. They also said that cooking should kill the virus. As to symptoms in infected birds, most birds show no signs but can still shed the virus. Crows, and Jays seem most likely to be symptomatic.
As a note of caution, theoretically it might be possible to contract the disease if infected fluids were to enter the eye or a cut.


I imagine the highest probablility of hazard is mosquito bites.

At least with dove hunting, using OFF! is no problem as regards the scent. And, generally, it's a bit chilly for mosquitos during deer season.
