Were can I get springs?


New member
I've got an old H&A .32 S&W break top revolver. After each shot the top breaks back open, but when you lock it and try to force it open by hand, it wont open. I removed the two ear like tabs that hold it closed, and their springs... Naturally the tabs are worn, but I found one of the springs was actually a little shorter than the other, but they should be identical. I'm wondering if I can get away with just putting in some stiffer springs to keep it closed while firing.

These springs are pretty stiff compression springs, and they are very very small... Cant find anything even close to them at hardware stores.

I'd imagine I could probably get something online, but I dont know where to begin, also, I have no idea how I would know what to order, I dont know how to size a spring, or to know what strength it would need to be.

Can anyone help me out?:o