Went to the range yesterday, just thought I'd mention...


...my favorite shooter is still my Makarov! Yeah, 9x18 ain't gonna knock down any charging bears, but man...fast draw, shooting one handed, 8 rounds in 4 seconds rapid fire produced group about the size of my hand into center of mass on 15 yard silhouette target. And I havent shot any of my pistols in about five months, but I could call my shots with this pistol :)

Also, shot my Glock 21 and produced a 2.5" group of 5 (one flyer). Who said Glocks werent accurate? Again, havent shot in 5 months, no rest, bags, etc...just a weaver stance and took my time. Zero failures in 200 rounds, what a joy to shoot. Bad thing though, I had 2 failures to eject, but that was with my 10mm EFK conversion barrel, so I dont blame Glock for that. Might be time to buy a 10mm slide assembly. Shot some .45 Super, noticed some case bulging so I stopped that after 5 rounds. I'm thinking I wont shoot anymore super through that barrel. Kinda scary. Anyone out there shooting 45 Super in your Glock 21 needs to watch for this!!

My Argie P-35 was a MESS. trigger pin kept walking, trigger lash was absolutely painful. My finger is sore today from it. Also, the crown or something is bad, I couldn't get it on target at 15 yards. Sights suck too. Weighing the price of gunsmithing it against selling it and buying a CZ75B, I started another thread on that dilemma.


[This message has been edited by BB (edited January 16, 2000).]
That Makarov is a cool little piece, isn't it? The short trigger reset lets you get off good doubletaps. On the other hand, I like my CZ-75(no 'B') a little more. After shooting the hypervelocity slide Mak, the CZ feels like it moves in smooth slow motion.
My Argie P-35 was a MESS.

Do you have an FM or an Argentine contract HP? If it's an FM let me tell you that those things can either be great shooters or rats. You won't have trouble selling it, however. They're no longer imported and are quickly turning into desirable pieces for HP variant aficionados.

So many pistols, so little money.