Went to the range with Ala Dan today (report)


New member
Went up to the FOP range today. http://www.foprangeinc.com is about the only place I know of relatively nearby where a non-member can go and shoot in exchange for an hourly fee. My buddy, Ala Dan, met me there.

First, I shot my Glock 19. Here's the target from the first 4 mag fulls (60 shots). I shot one mag from each marker. I think the markers are 25 yards, 15 yards, 10 yards, 7 yards... or something like that.


Unfortunately, from 25 yards I think I only got one hit on the page! But it got better as I got closer. I'm still shooting left and low. Anticipation is a problem clearly. More dry firing to come! I did try to figure out if my trigger finger was pushing or what. I don't think that's the big issue, but I could be wrong -- esp. after I get tired.

After some more shooting with the Glock 19, I tried Dan's Glock 27. I didn't take a picture of the target but the groups weren't any worse than with the 19, and while a bit low and left, they weren't bad. It has such a short grip, the 27 feels quite different in my hand, but the recoil was manageable, which was better than I expected!

In the meantime, Dan shot his Sig (what is the model number?)

and his High Power.

I have a long way to go in comparison!

I then tried a mag full out of Dan's Sig at 7 or was it 10 yards? Anyhow, Dan was quite entertained that I shot better with his Sig than with my Glock 19.

Then, Dan had to go, and after more miscellaneous shooting with my 19, the range officer, who is a Glock nut, had a try at adjusting my sights. I shot another mag full with the 19 and here's the result.

Not beautiful, but better than a week or two ago. I'm slow, but I'll get there eventually.

After I'd packed up to go, I got to talking to the range officer and another shooter who was just setting up to shoot. The new guy had an MP5 and I got to shoot it on full auto. It was a hoot!

He also had a Glock 26 and I tried that out. I've been thinking that might be my next Glock. The 19 isn't that easy for me, midget that I am, to conceal. The 26 might be just the ticket. I really enjoyed shooting it! And though I didn't take a photo, the target looked better than the rest of them so I might have to go get a 26 soon. :)

Anyhow, that's the whole story from today... other than the fact that the weather was perfect for once and I actually got to put the top down on my car. Woo hoo!


A Glock is like the proverbial "little black dress."
Every woman should have one.
Nice shooting, Amelia! I wish I did as well some days. :) How did you like the Sig? I had to own one (a P228) the very day I shot one.

A Glock is like the proverbial "little black dress."
Every woman should have one.

Maybe if I put it to her like that, my GF would consider carrying... :D
Attention All:

If memory serves me correctly, I think my target's were fired from the 15 and 25 yard line; one magazine from
each gun, at both distances. Heck, my P220 will chew
the X-ring out in just 7 rounds!!!:D:) Hope this answered
your question, Incursion?

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
You went shooting with AlaDan?

How did I know that the word "Sig" was going to pop up somewhere in your post?


I thought for sure after reading your post subject that I would open the thread and see you asking the question "What Sig should I buy?" BTW, nice groups there for a new shooter, thats nothing to snicker at. It only gets better from there.

AlaDa must be slowing in his old age seeing how you are not considering a SIg yet:) Must be nice to go shooting with a fellow GTer, living here in MA most of the shooters move off to better places for the shooting sports. atleast thats the way it seems to me. Going to the ranges here sometimes turns out to be a bitching meeting between fellow shooters who need to vent with each other about all of our rediculous laws in place.


It is nice to have guys to go shooting with. I have also been to a range with Capbuster. It's even more fun when you realize that I get to try out their toys! :D

Dan was funny regarding the Sig. It's always Sig this and Sig that. Of course, the range officer and I are standing there with our Glock 19s just shaking our heads and hoping he comes to his senses! Just kidding, really. I like trying all sorts of guns out and I don't care what anyone likes to shoot. It's a real personal decision. :)

I think Dan is right about his shooting distances. He likes to shoot from further than I do. There are 4 "lines" (sidewalks) at various distances there and I prefer the closer two and Dan likes the farther ones. I'm hopeless at 25 yards! (Longest one except if you want to shoot from the shed at 50) 15 is doable, though.

Mike Kilo Niner, I enjoyed Dan's Sig but I don't think another handgun of similar size to my 19 is next on the wish list. I want something more concealable (remember, i'm a chubby midget!) than my 19, particularly when hot weather arrives. I think the 26 might be just right. Dan's 27 failed to feed a lot. The range officer said it was me, which is possible, of course, but then again he was making fun of me the whole time so I don't know whether he is serious or not. When I shot Bill's 26, I had no failures to feed and accuracy was very very nice.

When I have the time and $ to expand my collection for fun, not just for CCW and such reasons, I might like a Sig. Heck, I might like a 1911, too. Who knows?

Mike, why isn't your girlfriend carrying? Do you live in a crime free place? Even here in relatively untouched small city Alabama, we have had two rape/attempted rape in the past week. The suspect descriptions are not the same, so there's two of them out there. Have you offered to send her to a handgun class just for women? That was the best learning experience I ever had! If you can get her to email me, I'd be happy to talk to her privately about it. I did not own a gun when I took the class! I just went to learn.


[Edited by Amelia on 02-08-2001 at 07:54 PM]
My digital cam does take MPEGs. Maybe next time I'll have an MPEG of Dan shooting so you can see for yourselves what the distance is. :)

February 14th is GIVE A GIRL A GLOCK DAY!

The 27 misfeeding was most likely due to you limpwristing the gun, did Dan have the same prolems when he was shooting it?

If you like Sigs and are considering a gun for concealment try taking a look at the P-239, it comes in 9mm, .40 and 357sig, does not have the capacity of a Glock and is a little heavyer but it is one sweet gun, my girlfriend loves my P-239 in 9mm.

Glad you had a good time, now just watch how fast your groups get tighter and tighter, take pictures from week to week and it will amaze you how fast you can improve even more so when you get totally adjusted to your gun.


I don't recall Dan having the same problem with the 27, but I shot it a lot more than he did, I think. Anyhow, I can't imagine Dan limpwristing anything! *laugh*

Why didn't I have the same problem with the 26 (same size gun but in 9mm)?

I do take photos from week to week. :D

First time I ever shot my 19:
15 yards: http://webprofessor.org/photos/glock/15yards.jpg
7 yards: http://webprofessor.org/photos/glock/7yards.jpg

A week ago:
7 yards, I think: http://webprofessor.org/photos/glock/2001jan31.jpg
It ain't pretty, but I think it would stop the local rapist!


Armed women are citizens.. un-armed women are subjects and/or rape targets.
Day at the range...

Practice, Practice, Practice...just that simple. This is one skill where muscle memory and repitition really come into play. Good job Amelia! Like with any learned skill, you get better as time and practice increase. :) :)
Amelia, I'd like to ask you a favor...

Next time you go shootin' with Ala Dan, take a Taurus revolver with you...

(read almost any post concerning Taurus and you'll know what I mean...)

You must not like me if you want me to do that! *laugh*


True safety is in the Lord, but precaution is sound wisdom.

I want something more concealable (remember, i'm a chubby midget!) than my 19, particularly when hot weather arrives. I think the 26 might be just right.

If you're considering a Glock 26, may I humbly recommend the Kahr MK9 for consideration? I love mine (hence the moniker). It's very slim, and drops easily into a pocket (with pocket holster!), or IWB. The only complaint I can come up with is it is a little bit heavy -- of course that does take some of the bite off +p loads.

Mike, why isn't your girlfriend carrying? Do you live in a crime free place?

Long, involved story. The short version: she "tolerates" my gun ownership with a raised eyebrow, but we're making progress. I've talked her into taking a women's self defense course (like you mentioned), just to try it out. My most effective argument to date: "I thought you were a feminist? Isn't it sexist and demeaning to women to claim that women don't 'need' guns because they're woo weak to handle them effectively?" She agreed to think about things at that point.

We've been together a long time, and have hung together through thick and thin. It works because we respect our differences of opinion; but it doesn't stagnate because we're rarely satisfied with them. :) I'll get her to the range one of these days -- when she's ready.

In the meantime, I'll continue to arrange pertinent news clippings in a visible location and continue the campaign. :)
Well, Mike Kilo Niner, send your Kahr MK9 on over so I can give it a try. I'll send it right back, I promise! :) Failing that, if I run into anyone at the range with one, I'll be sure to beg to try it. :)

Keep working on the girlfriend! :) You love her enough to really care that she is safe. That's important!


Armed women are citizens.. un-armed women are subjects and/or rape targets.

Dont get me wrong, maybe the gun was having a bad day for whatever reasons. What I was implying is that the 27 has quite a bit more recoil than the 26 does. If the gun was pushing your wrist back to much due to the recoil that could actually cause the problem your speaking of (assuming the gun was jamming)it makes it tough for the slide to fully cycle totally extracting the spent caseing. The 26 most likely does not give you the same effect because of the milder recoil of the 9mm.

Again, I could be totally wrong here and I am sure if Dan was with you he would recognise it if you were indeed limp wristing the gun. Its a very common problem, my girl friend actually had the same problem with my 23 but when she shot the 19 she did not have a jam to speak of. I did not ever have a jam in any of my Glocks, had a couple with an old high cap mag for my 23 but thats hardly the guns fault, replaced the mag spring and it never had a hiccup since.

Happy shooting.

Thanks Jason,

I probably am limp wristing. Who knows? I don't think Dan noticed or anyhow he was more interested in which ammo I was shooting when it failed to feed (we had two or three kinds mixed in together for the 27). But, Dan wasn't usually watching me shoot. He was often shooting at the same time I was. However, he did show me how to deal with the failure to feed problem the first time. I never had that happen with my 19 so I just looked at it in puzzlement. The slide locked back. A round did not chamber though the brass ejected. Now I know how to deal with it.

I did like the 26 anyhow. Maybe I'm just a 9mm kind of girl. :) I want one!!!!

I have never had a failure to feed in my 19. I did have quite the problem with failure to eject the first time I went to the range with my 19. The brass would get caught in the slide. Didn't happen a single time on Wednesday though and I don't think it happened last week either. :)
Thanks for the photo report

Always nicer to go shooting with someone. Soon you'll be introducing someone to the shooting sports.


Who knows, could be ammo, could be limp wristing. Make sure you keep your strong arm nice and firm, not locked and see if the probles persists.

Anyway, glad you had a great time at the range, your hooked now and theres no turning back. Now go get that 26 and be happy:)
