Went out looking for some rabbits yesterday

Thats a great way to get a pup to use its nose. I play fetch and hide the toy, they go on a search until it is found then treats :) dog learns it right bird loss is reduced to nil.
Richard, I am hoping that the videos will allow my breeder to help me with my training since this is my first go round with one of these. So I plan on using them quite a bit.


That is what I am hoping for, very minimal loss of game. I am going to get out for first light next Saturday and hope that I actually find a rabbit or two for him to track. I am also trying to get geared up so I can start training on some live birds.
I got a bird cage out in the barn has 2 live quail in it. The dogs get a scent and go on point right there. Keeps them nosey all summer. Quail are calling bob white so the wild ones will soon come see what the ruckus is all about :) they will be in my tree lines. Gotta love the country
If things go as planned I too will live out in the county again soon as well. I will be moving to an area where pheasants and others are plentiful. But like you I will likely get a coop and store a few birds so I can have them readily for training.

Thanks for the tips, this is my first go round with a dog like this and I could use all the help I can get.
this is my first go round with a dog like this and I could use all the help I can get

well, I can ship ya a couple frozen quail :) I use em for fetch training.

My first shorthair taught me a lot, I used to follow him around and he would point me birds :) Hope you get back to the country soon, it is so much better than the city.
Thanks for the offer markj but I am going to hold of for now. I need to get a few other things set up first. Hopefully by the weekend I will be set up to catch and store a few pigeons, as well as transport them for training.