Well worth the read.

Purjury, obstruction, adultery, cowardice and now treason. The scum of the earth sits in our White House while his political cronies plot revenge against those who tried to impeach him.
While I was in the service I spent a year in Germany with a nuclear ordinance unit. Our mission was the maintainence and supply of nuclear warheads for medium range mobile Pershing missle systems. I was just a mechanic and not privy to the classified info, but still I learned a lot more about nuclear weapons than I ever wanted to. I tell you this so you will understand my point when I say that this scares the absolute hell out of me.
Clinton has truely crossed the line here. He has seriously endangered every man, woman and child in this country. A miniture nuke can be carried in a suitcase and left anywhere. This is treason, plain and simple. the SOB needs to be arrested immediatly. Of course it won't happen. He's not called "Slick" for nothing.

My question to my Senator in one of several letters I wrote on the impeachment trial asked "Perjury is a felony right? Felon's can not own, buy, sell or control arms right? Felon's are untrustworthy to own arms right? Then if President Clinton committed perjury then how can we trust him to be commander in chief of the most powerful army in the world? Would not felonies be considered high crimes?

This was the question that I asked our two Senators from CA. What a couple of hypocrites. They cry that those who can not be trusted, felon's, spouse beaters, etc to own firearms, yet they are willing to allow Clinton and themselves the privilege.

We no longer have equal justice under the laws.



The debate is not about guns, but rather who has the ultimate power to rule, People or the Government.

Support civil disobedience and jury lawlessness!
As I understand it, at the present time the Chinese missiles are only capable of reaching the west coast. I wonder how all of Slick Willie's supporters in California feel about being in the crosshairs.
As I understand the situation, the Chinese acquired (read stole) the technology to produce small warheads from our country in the 80's. This administration has basically given the Chinese the technology for multistage rocketry. Put the two together and we can be targeted. Also, small warheads are needed for sub launched missles. This could target the whole country.
The point here is that Clinton gave the Chinese the computers that allow them targeting capabilities far beyond anything they had in the past. We can put a nuke in your back pocket from half way around the world. Now the chinese can do the same!
Scarey, huh?
Not only is it scarey but it makes you wonder what the line is between greed and stupidity vs. treason.
And this from an administration that is pushing gun control "for our children".

[This message has been edited by DHH (edited March 21, 1999).]
If this is all true, and I see no reason to think it is not, why is this d*ck head still in office???
