well, what do ya' know.....


New member
somebody read my e-mail in washinton!
got a nice letter from my representative, Jay Dickey, thanking me for e-mailing him "to oppose the gun control restrictions passed by the senate." he stated that "the gun control advocates attempted to exploit recent school shootings to urge further restrictions on ownership of guns." he further states
"obviously, gun control affects only law abiding citizens, not criminals who will always choose to ignore the laws."
he goes on to say that "he will always be in support of legislation that removes unconstitutional limitions on the rights granted by the 2nd Admendment."
he talks good and he voted against the bill, so, so far so good from him!!!

what me worry?
Good job! Do you know if he has introduced anything "that removes unconstitutional limitions" ?

Something you posted a while back sticks in my head.....how do I know if I'm a "right thinkin' yankee"? I'd really like to know, it would be good braggin rights when I move back up north....if I was one.
Also got a response back from my congressman Doug Ose.... In fact I got two back... First was from a letter against the juvy bill stating that none of the new proposed laws would have done a thing to prevent the shootings in CO. The second was to assure me that there is a full investigation going on for the feds using funds to influence the vote on CCW in MO. Promised me that heads will roll over that one.

Now if I could only replace my two senators.. :( Boxer and Fendstone

Well, I have you all beat. My Senator (Peter Fitzgerald, R-IL)wrote me back and said that although he supports the 2nd amendment he doesn't see it as being "absolute".

My response was, "What about "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?" No wonder why he was poorly rated by GOA. While running for the Senate here in Illinois, Fitzgerald said he had a "centralist" view on guns, supposedly suggesting that he was on the fence. But since in Washington, he has voted in favor of all of the gun control legislation offered. To think I actually voted for this liberal in republican's clothing.

My letters to all of my Congressmen remind them of their oaths of office, and the Constitutionality (or lack thereof) of their actions in voting on these pieces of legislation...gun control, flag burning, etc. etc.
We all know that Im strange. I think most politicians decide what you want to hear and that is what they tell you. Im serious. When is the last time a politician told you to stuff it-he was not voting that way?

Better days to be,

To think about.

If I have $100 in my wallet, and a thief steals it and is caught, it is not compromise for him to offer to return $50. If I agree, I am out $50 and he is still a thief.

If I have rights and someone tries to steal them, it is not compromise for them to agree to take only part. If I agree, I am the loser and they are still tyrants.


Back in March, my congresscritter replied to my request for him to sponsor HR 347 and 407 with a big ol' NO.

Hefley's a bastard, but at least he's honest about it.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
walkin' man, although Texas has 2 good Senators (Hutchison and Gramm) I constantly bombard them with letters urging them to TAKE THE LEAD on some legisaltion themselves - like increasing the penalties for firearms violations. Hell, I'd even settle for ENFORCING THE ONES WE HAVE!

Bookkie - regarding the MO CCW Prop B, did you also know that several CHURCHES urged their members to vote against this - yes - those same "non-profit-organization-tax-exempt" churches that are prohibited by the IRS from any type of politial lobbying...yeah those. I hope some folks got that out in the open also.

Join NRA, GOA and vote!
Calmly now.
Do you mean to encourage stronger enforcement of, and more severe punishment for infractions of, some 20,000 unconstitutional gun laws?

Offhand, I'd say stricter enforcement of laws of violence is in order, eg murder, rape, robbery, etc.

Is that more what you had in mind? (I may have mis-read your intent.)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 25, 1999).]
Talk about feeling slighted.

I sent letters and only received "form" letters from both Michigan senators and one congressman. I wonder how much thought and personal attention they think I'm going to give them during the next election.


Detroit Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
This is way off topic but since Bookkie and CMOS brought it up...............

I'm going to have to type this slow because I've got to stop and take a deep gulp of air now and then to keep from exploding.

I'm from Missouri and some of you may have noticed that every time I've written "Missouri" since the April 6 election I've followed it with (the ballot fraud state). I'm not just doing that here on TFL. If I'm having a telephone converstation with someone from out of state and have to give my address I always say "the ballot fraud state" after MO. As you can well imagine most people will ask "what?" "why do you call it that?" or something. I tell them!!!

We Missourians were *allowed* to vote for CCW in April as ya'll stated. Her wholyness Hillary Rotten@$$ Clinton AND Sarah (I wish she'd been between Hickley and Jim on that faithful day) Brady both visited our fair state to campaing against the bill as did many HCI, CeaseFire supporters, various gun grabbers, et. al.. The federal government, non-profit churchs and all came out of the woodwork to fight our rights.

On the day of the election the ballot tabulating computers went down in Jefferson City after HALF the votes had been counted. At that point the bill was PASSING in the state by a margin of 52% to 48% including St. Louis County with the exact same figures. The state computer did not come back up until shortly after midnight. AFTER all other counties (114) had reported St. Louis County THEN reported there final count. Ironically heretofore either St. Louis County or Jackson County (the second largest county in the state, which is located in Kansas City) is the FIRST to report. The bill was defeated by a margin of only 3%. The margin was due SOLELY to the St. Louis County final count. In order for the final vote to have been what they reported the votes AFTER the computer went down would have to had been 87% opposed. St. Charles and Jefferson Counties, which join St. Louis County voted to pass the bill by 70+%. Both counties traditionaly ALWAYS have VERY similar counts to St. Louis County.

Now for the fun part. Greene county was the second to last to report (114th) after the computers came back up. In order for them to have posted the results they did the votes taken after the computer went down would had to have been 104% against the bill. THAT WAS NOT A TYPO.

By statute in order to protest a count the citizens protesting must post a bond ensuring the state can recoup their expense in doing a recount. This can not be done until the governor "certifies" the election, which he's required to do within 30 days. Carnahan as of a month ago had still not certified or discertified the election in direct violation of state statute.

Some body needs to be investigating something down here.

I apologize for the rant and for straying so far from the topic but I'm still pissed over this and plan to stay that way.

Bookkie and CMOS I'm glad to see that others from out of the state are still talking about the BS surrounding that bill. Thanks.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
thanks for splaining that...I was curious as to what they were referring too......Is there any articles written that can be accessed on the net ?...fubsy
Gunslinger, i've been seeing that on your post, now i understand a little better. you most certainly have a right to be p***ed!!

what me worry?
Gunslinger, I've forwarded the url for your remarks to the editor of my local paper, and urged him to have somebody look into it. (I kind of doubt he will, but you have to give them an opportunity to do the right thing before cursing them for doing the wrong thing!) I've seen absolutely NOTHING about this in the media. Have there been any stories about this in MO papers which we could check out, or is the media there keeping it under wraps too? That 104% would appear to be proof positive of ballot fraud, but I've seen similar events elsewhere, neither reported by the media nor investigated by the authorities.
There was a group known as Missourians for the Right to Self Protection or some such formed for the purpose of lobbying to get the bill passed. After the ballot fraud was "exposed" they formed a discussion group supposedly for the purpose of keeping other Missouri gun owners informed about what was being done.
I felt, and still do, that this could be turned into a national issue for gun owners. WE all know that the antis use out right lies to promote their gun grabbing efforts. I felt if we could expose the fact that ballot fraud was committed then it would be a major step in convincing those "on the fense" that the antis would resort to any tactics no mater how low. Even many gun grabbers would be appalled at the mere thought of ballot tampering. Through my custom gun business I've became aquanted (sp) with with some of the "head honchos" with what are considered the firearms industry leaders. Because bond money was goingto be needed to challenge the count I made several telephone calls offering to attempt to solicit funds from these leaders to force a recount and gain media exposure. My offer of help was rejected and the discussion group ignored the purpose of the forum and talked about Rosie, K-Mart, the best place to buy an AR15, etc...........

None of the papers have even mentioned the improper count that I know of. It immediately became a "non-issue". I understand that a similar incident occurred a few years ago in Salt Lake City, Utah and nothing could be done there either.

When it was discussed here on TFL someone, I believe Rich, suggested that every time it's mentioned we should say "late returns". I agreed and have taken that one step further by using the ballot fraud state remark to purposely attmept to solicit a conversation. To be honest most people act like I'm crazy. But it seems to be the only avenue available.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

If I recall, didn't the Federal offices in the state also use Federal monies to oppose the vote as well? It was either taken to court as a violation of election laws and now in Appeals court or something like that correct?

So as I recall we have:
1) ballot fraud and election tampering
2) Federal interferance in State election
3) Illegal campaign spending

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I had heard there was federal interference but was not aware it had been taken to court.
Believe it or not there is probably more media coverage *outside* the state then there is inside.
Yes they pulled out all of the stops out on this one. But I honestly believe it could work to gun owners advantage (nation wide) if it were exposed. Yes I'm pissed we didn't get the right to CCW. I'm frustrated with the seeming lack of public interest in the state. But it would all be worth it if we (gun owners) could use this to expose the extremes the antis are willing to go to. Especially since Sarah Brady and the white house could be implicated.

I'm the all time cynic when it comes to the people in this country and their over all willingness to allow the government to systematically erode their rights. But I still have enough faith in the American public to belive that if they KNEW the government had done something like this they would begin to see what we (gun owners) are fighting for. Not just our RKBA but their rights as well.

But with the libel media will it ever be brought to light or covered up like in Utah and who knows where else we here don't even know about? I was encouraged with the thread regarding Tom Brokaw stating Gore was wrong about kids buying guns.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.