Well that's not good

Tony Z

New member
Free weekend and a gun show in Taremtum, Pa (Pittsburgh Mills Mall). Hour drive, or so, and I was planning on going as it is generally a decent show (put on by PA Gun Collectors Association). Last year I rembered one being cancelled, so
I looked at their website and this weekend's show is cancelled!

Could there be an effect the far left is starting to have? Gun show cancellations. NRA in shambles. What's next?
Free weekend and a gun show in Taremtum, Pa (Pittsburgh Mills Mall). Hour drive, or so, and I was planning on going as it is generally a decent show (put on by PA Gun Collectors Association). Last year I rembered one being cancelled, so
I looked at their website and this weekend's show is cancelled!

Could there be an effect the far left is starting to have? Gun show cancellations. NRA in shambles. What's next?
Looks like the Pittsburgh Mills Mall pulled their support.

'Far Left'...nice but not true..
A new Fox News poll shows a majority of Republicans supporting background checks and red flag laws, and Trump has hinted at his support.
In addition to Collins, Sen. Mitt Romney said that he supports “enhancing existing background checks,” while Sen. Marco Rubio is supportive of red flag laws
“My gut tells me that Leader McConnell wants to bring something to the floor for a vote,” Republican Sen. Mike Braun told Politico. “This is the moment. When you have two incidents like that in the same weekend, I think conservatives and Republicans lose in the long run if we don’t do something to change the dynamic. And I’m about as hard a Second Amendment guy as there is.”

The shambles of the NRA are self inflicted....
'Far Left'...nice but not true..

Sometimes, it doesn't take a concerted action on the part of the far left, or right, sometimes it only takes one guy in the right position doing what they think is an improvement

We used to have gun shows at one of the country fairground buildings. This also happened to be inside city limits. After decades of doing this, the new Deputy assistant undersecretary for being a PITA decided that everyone at the show had to carry $1 MILLION dollars insurance. Everyone, from the actual dealers to the regular guy with a table through the T-shirt lady and the hot dog guy.

A lot of these people, especially when shows are done by collectors, etc., operate on a very SLIM profit margin. Like make enough money to pay for their trip and buy breakfast profit margin. The additional expense to meet the new insurance requirement simply was too much to make the show profitable and so, they quit going.