Well run Traffic Stop of me

Nestor Rivera

New member
This post is ment to show that a stop trafic stop does not have to turn ugly.

1. Setup.
I was driving home from doctor appointment ( I had the same flu/cold everyboy else in town had)

Driveing into Intersection, went in on green
was stoped by trafic in intersection looked right and saw Semi Truck poited at my Subaru XT6, trafic moved so did I.

Officer pulled me over for running a red light. He had been behind the Semi was sure that I stoped OUT of intersection then ran light.

After I was pulled over I got out of car.(hands in PLAIN sight I am NOT stupid)
Bexar Co. Officer was also out of his car.
as a courtsey I said (15 ft away) that I had the flu. Officer was polite informed me of what he 'saw' I was polite and informed him of what I 'saw' was written up, but could not find INS. Papers He told me that the Co. could impound car but as I had 2 years of other cards in dash compartment Just to go.

2. "court" went to JP CT signed document that I was not accepting guilt but would pay 'administrative fee' and take drivers ED to quash ticket ( My ONLY Moving Violation Ever)
paid my money and went on with life.

Do I think he was wrong YES
Do I think his primary duty at that time was "revanew Enhancment" Yes
Do I still respect the Law Yes (maybe a little less with respect to traffic enfocement)

My point is: nobody is perfect.
Even in a situation that I felt wronged the Professional conduct of that officer was what
probably helped me dislike what had happend instead of HATE what happend

Sorry about Length.

(Oh I now slow at most lights that I did not see turn green with my own 2 eyes.)
Nestor I'm sorry but I can't resist. Allow me to change a few things. We will keep every thing the same up to right after you explain what you saw. The officer instead of being polite takes offense to you "talking back" and makes a few remarks that are very unappropriate. You don't respond and hand over your credentials. Now it is 10 degrees out and you have the flu and all you have on is a sweater. You go to get in your car and he orders you to stay outside in the cold weather. With these changes of circumstances How would you have reacted?

"Solidarity is the Key"
Yes it would that was the POINT we both acted appropriatly, if he had done the things you suggest I would have been more than happy to complie the me and my lawyer would both had to pay more in income tax the next april!