Well I poured up a few....

Mike / Tx

New member
Well since I was home from work, under the weather and filled with mucus, I decided to try out a couple of molds. Also the weather finally cooled down some around here least for a short while anyway.

I set up the pot with 10# or COWW and a one pound stick of a batch of range lead I ruined. I think I still got a batch with too much tin. Anyway, I had purchased a couple of molds, one off Ebay which is a H&G combo mold with three #78 cavities, and one #115 cavity. I paid a little more than I wanted to for it but none the less it is a cool old mold. THe 9mm cavity has a couple of dings in the top giving the base a couple of wings for lack of a better term. I think they will size out just fine though I'll have to let me friend tell me as I don't have a 365 die. The #78's pour up a 220gr SWC similar to but heavier than the ever so popular 200gr #68, which both shoot very well from my 1911.

Then while I had things up and running I figured why not throw some MP's into the mix as well. So I warmed up my newer 314640 which is a GC version in the ever popular 640 design which drops out at 115'ish grains, and with lube and GC installed hits right at 119. I am going to be loading these into some 30 Carbine cases for my 7.5" Ruger BH. I am thinking that with the softer alloy and GC, I will hopefully get something close to the expansion I get with the 359640 out of my GP-100. I'll also be loading up some of the Accurate 31-115H to try out as well which were swapped for in a trade with a member off CB's. These are some wicked looking little pills and I have already sent in a note to Tom to see about possibly changing it up a touch specifically for this little Ruger. I have loaded up about 2 dozen of them both and might sneak out to the range today and see how they shoot.
Just how loud is a .30 carbine in a BH?

Well to hear it told on the net, you have to have foam plugs and three sets of muffs to only loose partial hearing.

My loads or what I have shot must not be what everyone else is shooting or everyone else are just a bunch of, well lesser experienced shooters.

To be honest my GP-100 with 125gr loads puts it to shame with regards to noise. My 12yr old grandson and my daughter when she was around that age love the thing. She toted around the woods when we were hog hunting. Course she ain't your typical "little girl" either.
Had one and didn't think it was all that loud.
With no feeding requirements, I generally loaded 111 grain GI FMJs reversed. I seldom shot it over 35 yards or so and didn't have any accuracy deterioration at 50 yards. It was fun to shoot. Not overly useful but still fun. Loved the weapon but not the caliber.


My pop purchased quite a few of them back around 1960 through the NRA. Growing up I started shooting them when I was around 5 or so and actually shot my first deer with one at 6. Granted it wasn't a 250 pound monster but it was a start.

Through the years I always heard pop talk about thee being a revolver made in 30 Carbine and how he wished he had bought one just to piddle around with. For us they were basically used like most use a .22 in that when we just wanted to head out to burn up some ammo that is what we grabbed up. We saved the .22's for hunting. ;)

So one day not long after he had passed I was in a shop and there it was brand new laying in the cabinet for $189. I figured why not see what it was all about. After all I had who knows how many already loaded up not being used.

Well the 110gr RN shoot pie plate accurate at 20yds, the Speer HP shoot pretty well driven to top end loads but finding them is a REAL pain. So now that I am casting I figured I might as well see what I can do on my own to better the groups and give a bit more field time to it. Since I have the three grandsons coming up and the oldest at 12 already likes it, I don't think it will be too much of a waste of time or components. If I start them out with it, then they can progress into the 38/357's pretty easily. Least that is my line of thought anyway.